January 12, 2004
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
The Industry's Most Influential
In this Issue
Editor's NoteHappy New Year!
Well, it has finally happened. We've made it into 2004 with a bang.... -
FeaturesAlliance, NAII Boards Approve Merger; New Group to be Called PCI
The governing boards of two of the nation's largest property/casualty... -
Ted Pierce, executive director of the Surplus Line Association of... -
The regulations proposed by the Alaska Division of Insurance... -
Pasadena-based PAULA Financial announced it has completed the... -
State Compensation Insurance Fund—California's largest workers'... -
Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi announced that workers'... -
Fraud RoundupNev. Man Found Guilty of Felony Fraud
Attorney General Brian Sandoval announced that Patrick Lee Miller was... -
Fraud RoundupAnonymous Tip, Employer Cooperation Solve Pair of Wash. L&I Fraud Cases
Washington has ordered a 62-year-old woman from Okanogan to pay back... -
Fraud RoundupL.A. Man Pleads No Contest to Fraud
A Los Angeles man pleaded no contest to two felony counts of... -
Fraud RoundupCalif. Couple Charged with Fraud
Criminal charges of insurance fraud have been filed against Cory and... -
Fraud RoundupAgent Sentenced for Felony Fraud
John Vernon Liller, 53, of Carson City, Nev., was sentenced after... -
Cover StoryOne-on-One with California Senator Jackie Speier
Senator Jackie Speier (D-San Mateo/San Francisco) is finishing up her... -
FeaturesEarlybird Forecast for 2004
Each year the Insurance Information Institute invites a panel of Wall... -
Minding Your BusinessTrends 2004: Are You Prepared’
One of the basic fundamentals we stress to our clients is to be... -
FeaturesStandards Boost Efficiency of Licensing, Appointments and Contracts
Technology developments in the past few years have delivered cost and... -
FeaturesNAIC President Csiszar Tells All
Insurance Journal sat down with incoming President Ernst Csiszar,... -
FeaturesNAIC Meeting Targets Reform in 2004
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) conducted... -
FeaturesBig I’s Virtual University Tops Insurance Journal Poll
You know you're onto a story when anyone or anything outscores... -
FeaturesWho Made the Most Influential Agent List in 2003′
The Insurance Journal conducted a month-long readers' poll to... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyHow to Get More than Referrals from Your Leading Accounts
In this inaugural column, we'll explore methods of putting your book... -
FeaturesInsurance Journal, InsuranceTimes Team Up for Northeast Publication
San Diego-based Wells Publishing Inc., publisher of the Insurance... -
RatingsUnitrin Revised
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength rating of "A"... -
RatingsOhio Casualty Group Affirmed
A.M. Best Co. affirmed the financial strength rating of "A-"... -
RatingsIowa Mutual, Iowa American Upgraded
A.M. Best Co. upgraded the financial strength ratings to "A"... -
RatingsWhite Mountains Ins. Group Affirmed
Standard & Poor's Ratings Services affirmed its "BBB-" counterparty... -
FeaturesPeak Performance Offers Insight to Agency Management
Whether you are an avid skier, or just a beginner, you might be... -
FeaturesRecord Number of Risk Retention Groups Formed in 2003
Never before in the history of the Liability Risk Retention Act... -
FeaturesCNA Targets $1 Billion in Main Street Business
The small business unit of Chicago-based commercial lines insurer CNA... -
FeaturesWash. L&I Adopts 9.8 Percent Rate Increase for 2004
The Washington Department of Labor and Industries announced a 9.8... -
FeaturesSchwarzenegger Governs One-Eighth of the U.S. Population
The U.S. Census Bureau's Census 2000 estimated the population of the... -
FeaturesMeeting the Challenge of Dept. of Motor Vehicles Reporting
Today, more than 20 states—and the number keeps rising—require... -
FeaturesTillinghast Says More Consolidation in 2004
The insurance industry is at a critical juncture, with issues... -
Parting ShotsStrengthening Protection for Directors and Officers
Directors and officers liability premiums have risen by 30...