January 23, 2006
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
2006 Excess, Surplus and Specialty Markets Directory, Vol. I
In this Issue
FeaturesInsurers happy Calif.motorcycle helmet
Earlier this month, legislation was introduced by Sen. Denise... -
FeaturesSPECIAL REPORT: First Flood
Just like traffic, higher gasoline prices and high housing costs,... -
ARE YOU REALLY HURT? Investigating Accident Fraud ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH... -
FeaturesSPECIAL REPORT: Tips on minimizing flood damage
With Northern California rivers and reservoirs at their highest... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Redondo Beach, Calif.-based Bliss and Glennon Inc., a managing... -
FeaturesEarlybird Forecast
Dr. Robert P. Hartwig Record catastrophe losses will weigh heavily on... -
FeaturesCloser Look: Producer Liability
Keeping up with increasing liability as clients expand... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Colo. legislators to tackle auto insurance in 2006 session The 2006... -
TOC10 Garamendi proposed auto rate regs to cause rate hikes
12 Mercury Insurance CEO proposes voter initiative 12 Allstate units... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Flu hope, not hype
Does the world seem to be careening from one crisis to another, or is... -
Fraud RoundupCalif. Hands Down Convictionsfor Violating Contractor Licensing Laws
Fraud Roundup Ventura County, Calif., District Attorney Gregory... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Cooper & McCloskey buys Moore Special Risk Jim Moore, owner of Moore... -
FeaturesSpotlight: CA More Drive Law
New penalties for drunk drivers, street racers, and "pocket bike"... -
FeaturesSpotlight: From Pinstripes to Prison Stripes
By Susan McKenna Once you get over the fear...you find that people... -
FeaturesGEICO reducing Colo. Auto rates
GEICO began reducing auto insurance rates for new policyholders in... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Hawaii recognized as first state to be tsunami and storm ready The... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Mercury Insurance Group CEO proposes voter initiative The head of... -
FeaturesInsurance Helps Santa Fe Museums with Art Acquisitions
New Mexico's Museum of Fine Arts has acquired a 1923 Stuart Davis... -
FeaturesAllstate units agree to coverage checks sought after Ariz. wildfire
Two Allstate Insurance units have agreed to implement new procedures... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Mercury Insurance Group CEO proposes voter initiative on auto reforms... -
ARE YOU REALLY HURT? Investigating Accident Fraud ROCKY MOUNTAIN HIGH... -
FeaturesWash. Commissioner Kreidler wants fraud unitto investigate staged accidents
Washington State Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler wants to create... -
FeaturesSpotlight: Counseling Buyers
Multiline Productivity Poll: Agents play key role in understanding... -
People & PlacesPeople
Shelly Diegel has been elected chairman of the National Association... -
FeaturesSPECIAL REPORT: First Flood
Just like traffic, higher gasoline prices and high housing costs,... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Wash. anti-fraud auto insurance bill wins committee approval In... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
John Garamendi Garamendi's proposed auto rate regs will likely cause... -
New MarketsNew Markets
New Markets Nuts & Bolts: Excess & Surplus Lines Insurance Brokers... -
FeaturesPCI opens Denver office to serve five western states
The Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI) has... -
During catastrophic times, the majority of respondents (52percent)... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Low-Cost Auto Insurance Expands to Six Calif. Counties Anew... -
FeaturesSPECIAL REPORT: Post-flood tips
It's one thing to prepare for a disaster to mitigate damage, but what... -
FeaturesClose Up: Which cars are safest
Ten 2006 passenger cars won praise from the insurance industry for... -
Closing QuoteCalifornia insurance carriers spent the last part of December jumping through hoops to comply with the California Depart
Portable persistency discounts helped to encourage competitively... -
FeaturesCase Law Watch
Topliff v. Chicago Insurance Co. (Wash. Court of Appeals, Nov. 15,... -
FeaturesGemstar sues insurer
Gemstar-TV Guide International Inc. has sued an insurer, seeking to... -
Gemstar-TV Guide International Inc. has sued an insurer, seeking to... -
FeaturesGaramendi’s proposed auto rate regs will likely cause rate hikes
Insurers' estimates say 61 percent of California drivers could pay... -
FeaturesWash. anti-fraud auto insurance bill wins committee approval
In Olympia, Wash., a legislative committee amended and passed... -
Washington State Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler wants to create... -
Earlier this month, legislation was introduced by Sen. Denise... -
FeaturesHawaii recognized as first state to be tsunami and storm ready
The National Weather Service has declared Hawaii the first state in... -
FeaturesPCI opens Denver office to serve five western states
The Property Casualty Insurers Association of America (PCI) has... -
FeaturesCooper & McCloskey buys Moore Special Risk
Jim Moore, owner of Moore Special Risk, has sold his wholesale... -
A California appeals court has reinstated a lawsuit that claims... -
Glendale, Ariz., Republican Sen. Linda Gray is pushing legislation... -
FeaturesColo. legislators to tackle auto insurance in 2006 session
The 2006 legislative agenda for property/ casualty insurers in... -
FeaturesMercury Insurance Group CEO proposes voter initiative
The head of Mercury Insurance is trying to get an initiative on the... -
FeaturesInsurance Helps Santa Fe Museums with Art Acquisitions
New Mexico's Museum of Fine Arts has acquired a 1923 Stuart Davis... -
FeaturesAllstate units agree to coverage checks sought after Ariz. wildfire
Two Allstate Insurance units have agreed to implement new procedures... -
FeaturesSpotlight: From Pinstripes to Prison Stripes
ABC-TV news anchor regarding concerns about other prison inmates in... -
FeaturesSPECIAL REPORT: Tips on minimizing flood damage
With Northern California rivers and reservoirs at their highest... -
FeaturesPortable persistency discounts are good for consumers
Amid the confusion surrounding the elimination of portable... -
FeaturesLow-Cost auto Insurance expands to six Calif. counties
A new California law will allow low-income residents in Alameda,... -
FeaturesInsurance industry picks cars that protect on all sides
Winners of the Insurance Information Institute's gold award included... -
Features2006 already looking good for the property/casualty industry
Record catastrophe losses will weigh heavily on 2005's underwriting... -
FeaturesBenefits of multiline integration with one carrier
The cost of risk includes the price of the policy, as well as... -
FeaturesMultiline Productivity Poll: Agents play key role in understanding risk
Insurance buyers see increasing value from reducing their total cost... -
New MarketsEPLI
Nuts & Bolts: Excess & Surplus Lines Insurance Brokers Inc. is... -
New MarketsTechnology Related Services
Nuts & Bolts: SIU LLC is offering new general liability and property... -
New MarketsGarage Program
Nuts & Bolts: Yates & Associates Insurance Services is offering a new... -
FeaturesCalif. puts more drive into new laws for residents hitting the road
New penalties for drunk drivers, street racers, and "pocket bike"... -
Case WatchCase Law Watch
Actions and Proceedings Topliff v. Chicago Insurance Co. (Wash. Court... -
FeaturesAssessments Underway in Idaho
It's one thing to prepare for a disaster to mitigate damage, but what... -
FeaturesCalif. Hands Down Convictions for Violating Contractor Licensing Laws
Ventura County, Calif., District Attorney Gregory Totten reported... -
Fraud RoundupNevada Court Cancels Construction
A multimillion-dollar construction defects award was erased by a... -
People & PlacesPeople & Places
Shelly Diegel has been elected chairman of the National Association... -
FeaturesSignificant rains has Californians sopping wet
Just like traffic, higher gasoline prices and high housing costs,... -
FeaturesKeeping up with increasing liability as clients expand
Property/casualty insurance agents and brokers are being exposed to... -
GEICO began reducing auto insurance rates for new policyholders in... -
The Arizona Department of Insurance has changed its phone numbers.... -
FeaturesIRC: Insurance Fraud, Buildup Add Some $400M to Calif. Auto Injury
A recent Insurance Research Council (IRC) study of auto injury... -
FeaturesBenefits of multiline integration with one carrier
According to the Wausau Multiline Productivity Poll, 70 percent of... -
FeaturesA seriously shaken reinsurance industry rebuilds
Although Katrina is long gone, the clouds of misfortune she and her... -
FeaturesEnhanced IJ Broadcasting enlivens insurance news
Insurance Journal has launched IJ Broadcasting, an enhanced section... -
FeaturesPersonal lines looking fine, thanks to fewer accidents and price changes
The year 2005 is looking like it was a relatively good one with solid... -
FeaturesCommercial lines carriers continue to impress; M&A activity up slightly
Stock Prices: Commercial lines stocks advanced for the second... -
FeaturesSeven ways to benefit by trading with other agents
Some days it seems that you are in battle with every person who sells... -
FeaturesNew entrants join race for surplus lines share
XL, Rockhill and GMAC RE jockey for market share with established... -
FeaturesWhy independent agents like backyard brokers
In today's business world, it's rare to hear a live voice on the... -
FeaturesRegulatory modernization tops industry’s legislative agenda for 2006
With the extension of the Terrorism Risk Insurance Act, passage of... -
Editor's NoteFlu hope, not hype
Does the world seem to be careening from one crisis to another, or is...
National Coverage
Welcome to Insurance Journal's 2006 National Directory of Excess,... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Regulatory modernization tops industry's legislative agenda for 2006... -
Carrier WatchCommercial lines carriers continue to impress; M&A activity up slightly
Stock Prices: Commercial lines stocks advanced for the second... -
FeaturesPersonal lines looking fine, thanks to fewer accidents and price changes
I.I.I. JOINT P/C FORUM: Outside Looking In - Left to right: V.J.... -
FeaturesExcess, Surplus & Specialty
Main Street E&S: Why independent agents like backyard brokers In... -
FeaturesReinsurance Outlook
Although Katrina is long gone, the clouds of misfortune she and her... -
FeaturesCLOSER LOOK: Excess, Surplus & Specialty
XL, Rockhill and GMAC RE jockey for market share with established... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
Aon's Political Risk Map shows an unsafe world U.S.-based companies... -
FeaturesTechnology Bits
Insurance Journal has launched IJ Broadcasting, an enhanced section... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyGrowing Your Property Casualty Agency
When you encounter an account you can't competitively place, instead...