May 8, 2006
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Product Liability Stretches Across the World
In this Issue
Fraud RoundupFraud Roundup
Four Riverside, Calif., residents arrested for alleged fradulent auto... -
FeaturesHurricane winds could be felt in professional liability markets
The professional liability market may be significantly affected by... -
Closing QuoteDanger: Paper can cause skin lacerations
We have all seen them, those annoying stickers on everything we buy... -
News BriefsNews Briefs
Study questions value of liquor-server training Programs for... -
FeaturesInternational poll finds rising concern among 30 countries over global warming
A 30-country poll finds large majorities in all countries believe... -
People & PlacesPeople
Andrew J. Valdivia has been elected president of White & Co.... -
FeaturesProposed Calif. regulations would stress driving record over zip code in pricing auto insurance
California Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi has unveiled... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Barlocker Insurance Services, The Leavitt Group Barlocker Insurance... -
FeaturesReady, set … recall
Part 1 of a two-part series on Product Recall. Protecting consumers... -
FeaturesConsumers, many departments required to fight identity theft
Editor's Note: This is the second installment of a two-part... -
FeaturesU.S. Senate panel advises scrapping, then rebuilding, FEMA
News Currents The United States' disaster response agency should be... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
ACE settles bid-rigging case for $80 million Attorney General Lisa... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: To bee or not to bee
Scientists at Cornell University in New York have come across a... -
FeaturesGovernor claims Calif. workers’ comp changes ‘huge success’
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared the sweeping workers'... -
FeaturesWhy agents oppose Sen. Sununu’s optional federal charter
The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, and New... -
FeaturesSpokane Roman Catholic Diocese settles claims with more insurers
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane recently reached settlements... -
FeaturesLloyd’s sees 1906 San Francisco earthquake as a turning point
One of the most significant natural disasters in U.S. history, the... -
FeaturesFounder of Calif.-based Bolton & Co. Passes Away
Dorance Dean Bolton, founder of Pasadena, Calif.-based Bolton &... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Architects & Engineers Nuts & Bolts: NAS Insurance Services Inc.... -
FeaturesWhy is insurance like selling the ‘invisible?’
Have you ever wondered why it seems a little — or even a lot... -
FeaturesA young agent’s tricks and treats
Like many of you, I started my insurance career with an empty desk... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Engineers working toward earthquake-proof structures Sometime in the... -
FeaturesOSHA cites 14,000 employers for high worker injury rates
Approximately 14,000 employers have been notified that injury and... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Architects & Engineers Nuts & Bolts: NAS Insurance Services Inc.... -
FeaturesLloyd’s sees 1906 San Francisco earthquake as a turning point
One of the most significant natural disasters in U.S. history, the... -
CurrentsInternational poll finds rising concern among 30 countries over global warming
A 30-country poll finds large majorities in all countries believe... -
FeaturesStudy calculates impact of 1906 Bay Area earthquake today, preparedness for another
If an earthquake like the one that devastated San Francisco, Calif.,... -
Fraud RoundupFraud Roundup
Four Riverside, Calif., residents arrested for alleged fradulent auto... -
FeaturesConsumers, many departments required to fight identity theft
Editor's Note: This is the second installment of a two-part... -
CurrentsACE settles bid-rigging case for $80 million
Attorney General Lisa Madigan, New York Attorney General Eliot... -
CurrentsProposed Calif. regulations would stress driving record over zip code in pricing auto insurance
California Insurance Commissioner John Garamendi has unveiled... -
Programs for modifying environments where alcohol is served,... -
Dorance Dean Bolton, founder of Pasadena, Calif.-based Bolton &... -
FeaturesWhy is insurance like selling the ‘invisible?’
Have you ever wondered why it seems a little -- or even a lot more --... -
CurrentsEngineers working toward earthquake-proof structures
Sometime in the not-so-distant future, newly constructed buildings... -
FeaturesHurricane winds could be felt in professional liability markets
The professional liability market may be significantly affected by... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Andrew J. Valdivia has been elected president of White & Co.... -
CurrentsOSHA cites 14,000 employers for high worker injury rates
Approximately 14,000 employers have been notified that injury and... -
CurrentsGovernor claims Calif. workers’ comp changes ‘huge success’
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger declared the sweeping workers'... -
CurrentsU.S. Senate panel advises scrapping, then rebuilding, FEMA
The United States' disaster response agency should be abolished and... -
FeaturesDanger: Paper can cause skin lacerations
We have all seen them, those annoying stickers on everything we buy... -
FeaturesA young agent’s tricks and treats
Like many of you, I started my insurance career with an empty desk... -
Minding Your BusinessAccounts ‘not’ for sale: Defining account ownership
The value of most businesses is predicated upon that business'... -
CurrentsSurvey: Risk managers spent more on disaster preparedness, catastrophe management
Spending for loss control services increased or remained flat for a... -
U.S. property/casualty insurers are expected to pay an estimated... -
CurrentsActuaries to White House: Federal insurance backstop needed
The American Academy of Actuaries, in response to questions posed by... -
FeaturesChecking-in on hospitality coverage
As an agent or broker serving the hospitality market, you've enjoyed... -
FeaturesTaxi and limousine market catches a good fare with sound underwriting
Anyone who has been in a large city knows the importance of taxi and... -
FeaturesInternational product exposures can hit business here, there and everywhere
It takes only a brief glance through a newspaper in the United States... -
CurrentsSound risk management, investment plus for insurers
U.S. property/casualty insurers managed to increase earnings and add... -
FeaturesUnderwriting requirements
In order to provide an insuring company with an underwriting profit,... -
FeaturesHotel housekeeper work getting more dangerous with more injuries, pain reported by workers
A new study, "Creating Luxury, Enduring Pain," couples new research... -
FeaturesCommercial lines insurers’ capital, M&A activity silent in first quarter
Stock Prices: Shares of commercial lines insurers were down 2 percent... -
CurrentsFormer Enron executive admits guilt, says complacency equally bad as committing fraud
The same week Enron Corp. founder Kenneth Lay told jurors that he did... -
Editor's NoteTo bee or not to bee
Scientists at Cornell University in New York have come across a... -
CurrentsSpokane Roman Catholic Diocese settles claims with more insurers
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Spokane recently reached settlements... -
FeaturesWhy agents oppose Sen. Sununu’s optional federal charter
The Independent Insurance Agents & Brokers of America, and New... -
FeaturesReady, set … recall
Product recalls pose financial, logistical and communication...