December 11, 2006
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
2006 Program Directory, Vol. II
In this Issue
FeaturesCan the stand-alone market withstand TRIA ending?
The market of last resort may soon become the only option for... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
CA State Fund files rate decrease California's State Compensation... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
ICAT Holdings, Lloyds ICAT Holdings LLC of Boulder, Colo., created a... -
FeaturesColo. imposes new procedures for surplus lines
Colorado has implemented new procedure changes for surplus lines... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Monoline Auto Classes, Small Commercial Businesses Nuts & Bolts:... -
FeaturesNumber of western businesses buying property terrorism coverage increases dramatically
Nearly six in 10 large and mid-sized U.S. businesses obtained... -
FeaturesStudy ranks states on workers’ comp premiums; Alaska highest
The Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) has... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Employers offering health coverage in California declining California... -
FeaturesSt. George, Utah, tanked most secure place to live
St. George, Utah, is the most secure place in the nation to live,... -
Closing QuoteA state-based insurance safety net
From almost the moment Gramm-Leach-Bliley was signed into law in late... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Deceased employee's estate not entitled to workers' comp benefits,... -
FeaturesDissecting a claims made policy
Editor's note: This is the first installment in a three-part series... -
FeaturesLiquor distributors not liable for drunken driving crash
Liquor distributors cannot be held liable for a drunken driving crash... -
N10 INSURANCE TRAIN Excess and surplus lines market continues to push... -
FeaturesIt Figures
$46 Million Run rate savings Safeco said it put into paying... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Safeco lists on NYSE, hopes to grow by improving agent incentives... -
FeaturesBolton & Co: Providing resources for customers produces profits
Developing a Web presence is not the primary focus at Bolton & Co.... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Political furor arises over proposed SW Idaho flood map expansion As... -
FeaturesBeneducci named Fireman’s Fund CEO
The Board of Directors of Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. has elected... -
People & PlacesPeople
The Des Plaines, Ill.-based Property Casualty Insurers Association of... -
FeaturesMotor vehicle theft declines in California, but violent crime increases
California Attorney General Bill Lockyer has released the Department... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Ho hos and no nos
Santa is in the malls, families are stringing lights across the... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
National company dumps jockey insurance in Montana A national company... -
Fraud RoundupFraud Roundup
Upland woman arrested for fraud and grand theft A woman from Upland,... -
Award not warranted "Awarding workers' compensation death benefits to... -
FeaturesCountrywide launches auto product in Colorado, Illinois, Indiana, Nevada
Countrywide Financial Corp. announced that Countrywide Insurance... -
FeaturesFive keys to captive success
The mid-1980s were not easy times for many agents and brokers.... -
FeaturesMore Punch for Programs
Today's managing general agencies and carrier partners in the... -
FeaturesBest-in-class program writers
Today's competitive specialty program marketplace requires attention... -
CurrentsPersonality plus or minus in sales
How to use a producer's unique personality traits in sales A... -
Minding Your BusinessDeveloping a sales and marketing plan, part 2
The first part of this two part series described the self-analysis of... -
CurrentsZurich agrees to terms to close multi-state bid-rigging probe
In separate but related move, N.Y., Conn., Ill. tell four insurers... -
Currents4.4 million Mattel ‘Polly Pocket’ toys recalled after kids swallow magnets
A consumer research group called for warning labels on toys with... -
CurrentsInsurers urge Supreme Court to overturn 9th Circuit ruling on credit scoring
A national insurance trade group has filed an amicus brief urging the... -
The United States and Japan have agreed on guidelines designed to... -
CurrentsIt’s ‘haves’ vs. ‘have-nots’ in insurance technology race for survival
Spurred by intensifying competition, breakthroughs in analytics are... -
CurrentsLost in translation
Global businesses need integrated insurance solutions to ensure... -
Editor's NoteHo hos and no nos
Santa is in the malls, families are stringing lights across the... -
The Board of Directors of Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. has elected... -
CurrentsDeceased employee’s estate not entitled to workers’ comp benefits, appeals court rules
The Second Applegate Court of California has ruled in Six Flags Inc.... -
CurrentsMotor vehicle theft declines in California, but violent crime increases
California Attorney General Bill Lockyer has released the Department... -
FeaturesCan the stand-alone market withstand TRIA ending?
The market of last resort may soon become the only option for... -
Countrywide Financial Corp. announced that Countrywide Insurance... -
CurrentsLiquor distributors not liable for drunken driving crash
Liquor distributors cannot be held liable for a drunken driving crash... -
CurrentsStudy ranks states on workers’ comp premiums; Alaska highest
The Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) has... -
FeaturesBolton & Co:Providing resources for customers produces profits
Developing a Web presence is not the primary focus at Bolton & Co.... -
CurrentsDissecting a claims made policy
Editor's note: This is the first installment in a three-part series... -
Fraud RoundupFraud Roundup
Upland woman arrested for fraud and grand theft A woman from Upland,... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
The Des Plaines, Ill.-based Property Casualty Insurers Association of... -
CurrentsA state-based insurance safety net
The best choice for consumers is the tried and true property/casualty... -
CurrentsPolitical furor arises over proposed SW Idaho flood map expansion
As local officials work to boost southwestern Idaho's economy, the... -
CurrentsCA State Fund files rate decrease
California's State Compensation Insurance Fund is calling for a 9... -
CurrentsColo. imposes new procedures for surplus lines
Colorado has implemented new procedure changes for surplus lines... -
CurrentsEmployers offering health coverage in California declining
California has the most number of people without insurance coverage... -
CurrentsNational company dumps jockey insurance in Montana
A national company that arranged insurance for race jockeys in... -
CurrentsNumber of western businesses buying property terrorism coverage increases dramatically
Nearly six in 10 large and mid-sized U.S. businesses obtained... -
CurrentsSafeco lists on NYSE, hopes to grow by improving agent incentives
Seattle-based Safeco said it is expecting independent agents, in... -
Award not warranted "Awarding workers' compensation death benefits to... -
CurrentsIt Figures
$46 Million Run rate savings Safeco said it put into paying... -
CurrentsSt. George, Utah, tanked most secure place to live
St. George, Utah, is the most secure place in the nation to live,...
National Coverage
FeaturesSales Management
A necessary evil. That's how some people might describe insurance. A... -
FeaturesU.S., Japan agree to improve consumer product safety
The United States and Japan have agreed on guidelines designed to... -
Features4.4 million Mattel ‘Polly Pocket’ toys recalled after kids swallow magnets
A consumer research group called for warning labels on toys with... -
FeaturesFive keys to captive success
Whether you're talking about road contractors or hospitals or agents... -
FeaturesZurich agrees to terms to close multi-state bid-rigging probe
News Currents Ten states, led by Texas and its Attorney General Greg... -
FeaturesIt’s ‘haves’ vs. ‘have-nots’ in insurance technology race for survival
News Currents Spurred by intensifying competition, breakthroughs in... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Insurers urge Supreme Court to overturn 9th Circuit ruling on credit... -
FeaturesMore Punch for Programs
Today's managing general agencies and carrier partners in the... -
FeaturesLost in translation
To determine the appropriate insurance for a commercial client, the... -
Minding Your BusinessDeveloping a sales and marketing plan, part 2
The first part of this two part series described the self-analysis of...