February 26, 2007
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Directors & Officers/Executive Liability; Hospitality Risks Directory; 4th Qtr Market Survey
In this Issue
FeaturesIndustry leaders debate federal versus state regulation with Democratic Congress shift
Could federal regulation of the insurance industry become a reality,... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Insurance company run-off management strategies face obstacles The... -
FeaturesSt. Paul Travelers changes name to Travelers; reunites with red umbrella logo
The St. Paul Travelers Companies Inc. has signed a definitive... -
Stellar statistic "This is the most remarkable statistic of all. The... -
It FiguresFigures
30% Amount average directors and officers coverage premiums have... -
People & PlacesPeople
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners named its 2007... -
FeaturesWashington’s 2007 Legislative agenda targets license reform
The commissioner's office feels the current process for licensing... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Safeco to cut homeowners, commercial rates across California... -
Fraud RoundupFraud Roundup
Washington takes enforcement actions Washington's Office of the... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
EIG Mutual Holding Co. Nevada Insurance Commissioner of Insurance... -
FeaturesCorporate governance, capital drive D&O liability prices down
Changing corporate governance practices and excess capital in the... -
FeaturesUtah’s captive industry grows; number of insurers rose 114.3% in 2006
The Utah Insurance Department has announced a 114.3 percent increase... -
FeaturesThird-generation industry executive shares insight on regulatory matters
Gerald Sullivan, chairman of Los Angeles-based The Sullivan Group,... -
FeaturesShould D&O insurers have a loss prevention role?
Why don't directors and officers insurers insist on corporate... -
FeaturesInsurance Industry Charitable Foundation hosts Club100 dinner
The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation announced it will be... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Agents welcome windstorm debate; insurers warn against subsidies The... -
FeaturesMorris Chavez, New Mexico, State Insurance Superintendent
After replacing two insurance superintendents in less than a year... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: (Un)funny money
Hawaii may have its hurricanes, California has its earthquakes and... -
Closing QuoteResetting State Farm’s Katrina punitive damages
By Judge L.T. Senter Jr. At the trial of this cause of action, this... -
FeaturesCase Law Watch
Attorneys Fees State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. v.... -
FeaturesA look behind the very good property/casualty results for 2006
News Currents The numbers, or estimates, for the property/ casualty... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Nevada's med-mal changes help doctors, hinder lawsuits Physicians'... -
FeaturesSuperior Court upholds CDI homeowner protections
Insurers may not depreciate the cost of labor when paying on... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Hospitality Program Nuts & Bolts: Underwriters at PLIS are offering... -
FeaturesAriz. lawmakers move to raise burden of proof on ER suits
The Arizona Senate has narrowly approved a medical malpractice bill... -
FeaturesFEMA tripling Calif. San Joaquin River Flood Plain
Parts of the Beachwood-Franklin neighborhood in Merced, Calif., are... -
TOC8 Agents welcome windstorm debate
Insurers warn against subsidies 10 Safeco to cut homeowners,... -
Editor's Note(Un)funny money
Hawaii may have its hurricanes, California has its earthquakes and... -
CurrentsAriz. lawmakers move to raise burden of proof on ER suits
The Arizona Senate has narrowly approved a medical malpractice bill... -
It FiguresIt Figures
30% Amount average directors and officers coverage premiums have... -
CurrentsSafeco to cut homeowners, commercial rates across California
Seattle-based Safeco announced it will be cutting rates for... -
Stellar statistic "This is the most remarkable statistic of all. The... -
CurrentsFEMA tripling Calif. San Joaquin River Flood Plain
The Federal Emergency Management Agency plans to triple the size of... -
CurrentsSuperior Court upholds CDI homeowner protections
Insurers may not depreciate the cost of labor when paying on... -
CurrentsNevada’s med-mal changes help doctors, hinder lawsuits
Physicians' insurance premiums are down and more doctors are coming... -
CurrentsUtah’s captive industry grows; number of insurers rose 114.3% in 2006
The Utah Insurance Department has announced a 114.3 percent increase... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners named its 2007... -
CurrentsWashington’s 2007 Legislative agenda targets license reform
Washington Insurance Com-missioner Mike Kreidler recently promulgated... -
CurrentsInsurance company run-off management strategies face obstacles
The U.S. insurance industry should be paying greater attention to the... -
CurrentsSt. Paul Travelers changes name to Travelers; reunites with red umbrella logo
The St. Paul Travelers Companies Inc. has signed a definitive... -
CurrentsThird-generation industry executive shares insight on regulatory matters
Sullivan discusses reinsurance collateralization, surplus lines... -
CurrentsA look behind the very good property/casualty results for 2006
The numbers, or estimates, for the property/ casualty insurance... -
FeaturesCorporate governance, capital drive D&O liability prices down
Changing corporate governance practices and excess capital in the... -
FeaturesThe Commissioners: Morris Chavez
Regulator committed to restoring ethics After replacing two insurance... -
FeaturesIndustry leaders debate federal versus state regulation with Democratic Congress shift
Could federal regulation of the insurance industry become a reality,... -
CurrentsShould D&O insurers have a loss prevention role?
Why don't directors and officers insurers insist on corporate... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Hospitality Program Nuts & Bolts: Underwriters at PLIS are offering... -
Case WatchCaseLaw Watch
Attorneys Fees State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. v.... -
Fraud RoundupFraud Roundup
Washington's Office of the Insurance Commissioner has ordered... -
CurrentsAgents welcome windstorm debate; insurers warn against subsidies
The Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America (the Big "I")... -
The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation announced it will be... -
Closing QuoteResetting State Farm’s Katrina punitive damages
At the trial of this cause of action, this court submitted... -
FeaturesD&O experts show little tendency to drink from a glass ‘half full’
Corporate governance, stockholder activism, pricing discipline, a... -
Cover StoryComing to the Rescue: States get ready to modernize surplus lines regulation
Bernd (Bernie) G. Heinze, executive director of the American... -
FeaturesPremium Growth: A measure for a response to changing needs?
Virtually all industries respect and demand top line growth. Publicly... -
CurrentsCongress gets bipartisan bills to repeal insurance antitrust immunity
Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., chairman of the Judiciary Committee,... -
CurrentsStock prices mixed; middle market M&As remain active
Stock Prices: Brokers' stock prices were mixed as 2006 came to a... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyFive casual ways to pump up CSR sales
CSR selling doesn't happen by decree. Principals can't simply declare... -
FeaturesHospitality industry faces more than just traditional P/C losses
Business interruption coverage a must in a world awaiting the next... -
CurrentsA new direction for directors and officers coverage
Changes in attitudes, lawsuits, statutes worldwide force global...
National Coverage
FeaturesCongress gets bipartisan bills to repeal insurance antitrust immunity
News Currents Sen. Patrick Leahy, D-Vt., chairman of the Judiciary... -
FeaturesPremium Growth: A measure for a response to changing needs?
Virtually all industries respect and demand top line growth. Publicly... -
FeaturesStock prices mixed; middle market M&As remain active
Stock Prices: Brokers' stock prices were mixed as 2006 came to a... -
FeaturesHospitality industry faces more than just traditional P/C losses
Whether you study the growth curve in the "baby boomer" generation or... -
FeaturesComing To The Rescue
Bernd (Bernie) G. Heinze, executive director of the American... -
FeaturesD&O experts show little tendency to drink from a glass ‘half full’
Things are about as good as they can get right now in the directors... -
FeaturesTop 25 Property/Casualty Companies in Premium Growth
12 months ending Sept. 30, 2006, versus Sept. 30, 2005 (000 Omitted)... -
FeaturesA new direction for directors and officers coverage
Even though they may not be compelled by law to buy locally admitted... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyFive casual ways to pump up CSR sales
CSR selling doesn't happen by decree. Principals can't simply declare...