April 9, 2007
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Top 100 Retail Agencies; Energy/Oil & Gas; Cyber Risk/Identity Theft
In this Issue
FeaturesOn shaky ground?
Two decades since its formation, the West's only regional catastrophe... -
IDENTITY THEFT High loss in low-tech crime SHAKY FOUNDATION?... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement, Small Business Nuts & Bolts: To... -
FeaturesCalif. low cost auto program expanded to six counties
California has expanded its Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program to... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Washington aims to establish insurance fair conduct act The... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
AXIS Capital, Aon Media/Pro AXIS Capital, a global specialty... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Multiple factors came together in 2002 and 2003 that led to increased... -
FeaturesCalif. Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau approves 11.3 percent rate decrease
The Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
New Mexico legislation to limit access to credit reports New Mexico's... -
People & PlacesPeople
Marsh Inc. appointed chief operating officers for three of its core... -
Fraud RoundupFraud Roundup
Crescent City, Calif., agency shut down Two Pelican Bay State Prison... -
FeaturesIdentity theft: A “catch phrase for the new millennium”
Contrary to popular opinion and despite well-publicized security... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Talk ain’t cheap
That jacket makes you look 20 pounds lighter!" "This car is the best... -
Closing QuoteAre state-backed insurance schemes the wave of the future?
The government's role in insurance markets is a matter of increasing... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Idaho Governor vetoes bills on worker benefits, uninsured motorist... -
FeaturesInsurance Industry Charitable Foundation hosts benefit gala on May 12
The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation will host its 14th... -
Catastrophic coverage "A decrease in the already low penetration rate... -
It FiguresFigures
30 Number of states that require companies that have information that... -
FeaturesRiding out soft and hard market cycles with quality relationships
Analyzing the economic rhymes and reasons of soft and hard market... -
FeaturesTwo charged in bicoastal restaurant insurance brokerage scam
A Canadian man has been extradited to the United States to face trial... -
FeaturesArizona offers auto insurance comparison guide
The Arizona Department of Insurance has released the latest edition... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Marsh Inc. appointed chief operating officers for three of its core... -
New Mexico's legislature has passed a bill allowing consumers to... -
CurrentsTwo charged in bicoastal restaurant insurance brokerage scam
A Canadian man has been extradited to the United States to face trial... -
FeaturesOn shaky ground?
Two decades since its formation, the West's only regional catastrophe... -
The California Earthquake Authority is collaborating with the U.S.... -
FeaturesIdentity theft: A “catch phrase for the new millennium”
Contrary to popular opinion and despite well-publicized security... -
Common methods of identity theft: Dumpster diving. Collecting bills... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Identity Fraud Expense Reimbursement, Small Business Nuts & Bolts: To... -
CurrentsRiding out soft and hard market cycles with quality relationships
Analyzing the economic rhymes and reasons of soft and hard market... -
Fraud RoundupFraud Roundup
Crescent City, Calif., agency shut down Two Pelican Bay State Prison... -
Closing QuoteAre state-backed insurance schemes the wave of the future?
The government's role in insurance markets is a matter of increasing... -
CurrentsTop 10 data loss disasters in 2006
Data recovery firm says no matter how bad the loss, there's a chance... -
FeaturesUnderwriters weigh design, construction of offshore oil platforms
Recent hurricane activity suggests old standards for wave height... -
FeaturesOil drilling risks rise with novice crews
Boom-and-bust cycles can spell trouble for industry and insurers As... -
For the third year running, underwriters in the Lloyd's market have... -
FeaturesEuropean Insurance Forum puts Ireland in the spotlight
EU Reinsurance Directive, Solvency II, killer risks and catastrophes... -
FeaturesUnderstanding network risk insurance
Competition heats up as insurers begin to gain market experience and... -
Minding Your Business‘Free agents’ and other 2007 management trends
What are the trends agency management owners should pay attention to?... -
CurrentsBipartisan flood insurance ‘modernization’ bill boosts borrowing, maximum limits
Agents generally support legislation, but insurers caution changes... -
CurrentsA.M. Best cites 15 P/C insurers as financially impaired in 2006
Seventeen U.S. insurance companies became financially impaired in... -
CurrentsStudy claims U.S. ‘tort tax’ amounts to $865 billion cost each year
America's legal system imposes an economic cost of more than $865... -
CurrentsInsurers advise Congress private markets should handle most disasters
But mega-cats need a public-private partnership, first responders and... -
CurrentsStudy: homeowners more volatile than private passenger auto
The homeowners insurance line was three times more volatile than... -
CurrentsJudge rules Spitzer suit may continue; Liberty Mutual not giving up fight
Liberty Mutual has vowed to continue its court fight against charges... -
FeaturesIreland emerges as an insurance powerhouse
Although 700 years of war, famine, immigration and English domination... -
Editor's NoteTalk ain’t cheap
That jacket makes you look 20 pounds lighter!" "This car is the best... -
CurrentsCalif. low cost auto program expanded to six counties
California has expanded its Low Cost Automobile Insurance Program to... -
It FiguresIt Figures
30 Number of states that require companies that have information that... -
CurrentsWashington aims to establish insurance fair conduct act
The Washington Senate adopted an amended bill that insurance... -
CurrentsCalif. Workers’ Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau approves 11.3 percent rate decrease
The Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau of California... -
Catastrophic coverage "A decrease in the already low penetration rate... -
CurrentsInsurance Industry Charitable Foundation hosts benefit gala on May 12
The Insurance Industry Charitable Foundation will host its 14th... -
CurrentsManagement shaken up, investigations ensue at Calif. State Fund
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger's administration is continuing... -
CurrentsArizona offers auto insurance comparison guide
The Arizona Department of Insurance has released the latest edition... -
CurrentsIdaho Governor vetoes bills on worker benefits, uninsured motorist coverage
Idaho Gov. C.L. "Butch" Otter has vetoed two bills related to...
National Coverage
FeaturesStudy: homeowners more volatile than private passenger auto
The homeowners insurance line was three times more volatile than... -
FeaturesJudge rules Spitzer suit may continue; Liberty Mutual not giving up fight
News Currents Liberty Mutual has vowed to continue its court fight... -
FeaturesUnderstanding network risk insurance
The total number of data breach victims in 2006 exceeded the $100... -
FeaturesStudy claims U.S. ‘tort tax’ amounts to $865 billion cost each year
News Currents America's legal system imposes an economic cost of more... -
FeaturesTop 10 data loss disasters in 2006
Data recovery experts worldwide from Minneapolis, Minn.-based Ontrack... -
FeaturesBipartisan flood insurance ‘modernization’ bill boosts borrowing, maximum limits
News Currents U.S. Reps. Judy Biggert, R-Ill., and Barney Frank,... -
FeaturesTop 20 Banks in Insurance Brokerage Fee Income (2006/Nationally)
Rank 2006 Insurance Brokerage Fee Bank Income Name City, State Web... -
FeaturesEuropean Insurance Forum puts Ireland in the spotlight
Eighteen years ago an Irish insurance conference would have consisted... -
FeaturesOil drilling risks rise with novice crews
As the oil industry cycles into a drilling boom, the shortage of... -
FeaturesRank 2006 Insurance
Top 20 Bank Holding Companies in Insurance Brokerage Fee Income... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Insurers advise Congress private markets should handle most disasters... -
News CurrentsA.M. Best cites 15 P/C insurers as financially impaired in 2006
Seventeen U.S. insurance companies became financially impaired in... -
FeaturesUnderwritiers weigh design, construction of offshore oil platforms
Not all offshore platforms are created equal, which is why one... -
Minding Your Business‘Free agents’ and other 2007 management trends
What are the trends agency management owners should pay attention to?...