May 21, 2007
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Program Directory, Vol. I; Single State Specialists
In this Issue
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Get connected
Insurance is a business that is grounded in connections — with... -
Declarations Disaster discussions "I know there is no great political... -
FeaturesAgents young and old can benefit from bridging the age gap
When many young insurance agents first start working in the insurance... -
FeaturesPet food case raises product recall, ‘special property’ and new coverage
The manufacturer of the contaminated pet foods that caused an unknown... -
People & PlacesPeople
Liberty Northwest, a member of Liberty Mutual Group based in... -
FeaturesAllstate to stop writing homeowners in Calif.
Allstate has announced that as of July 1, 2007, it will stop offering... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Fire outlook: 2007 wildfire season looks wicked Fire scientists are... -
Fraud RoundupFraud Roundup
Calif. State Fund receives $100,000 Los Angeles Superior Court Judge... -
FeaturesColorado ends legislative session; industry pleased tort auto system remains
The Colorado Legislature wrapped up its regular session on May 4,... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Alleghany, Employers Direct New York-based Alleghany Corp. agreed to... -
FeaturesTough products don’t need to be an underwriting challenge
To view the "How to Write Insuring Tough Products Liability Accounts"... -
Closing QuoteWhere have all the underwriters gone?
The commercial insurance industry is not what it was 20 years ago.... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Tow Truck Operators Nuts & Bolts: Swiss Re's Commercial Insurance and... -
FeaturesMont. State Fund decreasing premiums 1%
The board for Montana's state workers' compensation system has... -
FeaturesBOP evolution warrants a second look
Do you think of business owners policies (BOPs) as low-premium... -
FeaturesLegislators aim to crack down on fraud
For years, Al Capone outwitted federal efforts to nail him for murder... -
FeaturesHawaii Gov. Lingle vetoes workers’ comp bill
Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle handed state employers a victory this month,... -
FeaturesCalif. court limits employers’ liability in workers’ comp
The California Supreme Court has ruled that workers' compensation... -
CurrentsMarketing survey reports Baby Boomers remain loyal to auto, home, medical and life insurance brand
Baby Boomers may be more likely to switch brands across a wide... -
FeaturesSwett & Crawford CEO says softening market doesn’t leave out E&S market as an option
Whether the market is "soft" or "softening" doesn't make a... -
Cover StoryThe Courage to Compete: The World According to Greenberg
In 1968 when the Maurice "Hank" Greenberg took over what was to... -
Editor's NoteGet connected
Insurance is a business that is grounded in connections -- with... -
CurrentsFire outlook: 2007 wildfire season looks wicked
Fire scientists are predicting an above-average wildfire season from... -
CurrentsHawaii Gov. Lingle vetoes workers’ comp bill
Hawaii Gov. Linda Lingle handed state employers a victory this month,... -
CurrentsMont. State Fund decreasing premiums 1%
The board for Montana's state workers' compensation system has... -
CurrentsAllstate to stop writing homeowners in Calif.
Allstate has announced that as of July 1, 2007, it will stop offering... -
Disaster discussions "I know there is no great political constituency... -
CurrentsCalif. court limits employers’ liability in workers’ comp
The California Supreme Court has ruled that workers' compensation... -
CurrentsColorado ends legislative session; industry pleased tort auto system remains
The Colorado Legislature wrapped up its regular session on May 4,... -
FeaturesPet food case raises product recall, ‘special property’ and new coverage issues
The manufacturer of the contaminated pet foods that caused an unknown... -
CurrentsOfficials: Hold the chickens and the hogs
Think you and your pets are safe now that pet food contaminated with... -
FeaturesTough products don’t need to be an underwriting challenge
Skis, ladders, pacemakers and nutra-ceuticals may be different... -
Idea ExchangeAgents young and old can benefit from bridging the age gap
When many young insurance agents first start working in the insurance... -
Idea ExchangeBOP evolution warrants a second look
Do you think of business owners policies (BOPs) as low-premium... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Liberty Northwest, a member of Liberty Mutual Group based in... -
Legal BeatLegislators aim to crack down on fraud
For years, Al Capone outwitted federal efforts to nail him for murder... -
Fraud RoundupFraud Roundup
Calif. State Fund receives $100,000 Los Angeles Superior Court Judge... -
Closing QuoteWhere have all the underwriters gone?
The commercial insurance industry is not what it was 20 years ago.... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Tow Truck Operators Nuts & Bolts: Swiss Re's Commercial Insurance and... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyReduce client services to better compete
Customer loyalty, in insurance and elsewhere, is an oxymoron. Buyers... -
FeaturesA closer look at risk management for habitational risks
Effective management and maintenance tips to help clients avoid major... -
FeaturesStatus quo on Capitol Hill may be best
IIABA's leader Bob Rusbuldt hopes Congress does nothing, except on... -
Fraud RoundupThe rest of the story: directors and officers coverage for independents
Brokers can help clients greatly mitigate the personal, unlimited... -
CurrentsAgent leader renews vow to defend incentive pay
The leader of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America... -
Currents‘Big 3’ brokers still feeling effects of Spitzer attack, Standard & Poor’s says
The October 2004 attack by then New York Attorney General, now... -
CurrentsWillis rejects insurers’ alternatives for contingent commissions
After a review of the supplemental compensation plans recently... -
FeaturesProperty/Casualty State Specialists
The late Speaker of the House of Representatives "Tip" O'Neill once... -
CurrentsBritish auto insurer survey targets women’s
A survey from the United Kingdom's Diamond, an automobile insurer... -
CurrentsD&O, workers’ comp lead downhill pricing parade, according to risk managers’ survey
Directors and officers insurance continues to be a highly competitive... -
CurrentsRisk managers report total cost of risk continues downward trend
The commercial insurance industry continued to experience an overall... -
CurrentsLloyd’s and Economist Intelligence Unit report warns of threats from political violence
Global business leaders report they are increasingly concerned about...
National Coverage
FeaturesThe rest of the story: directors and officers coverage for independents
The historic out-of-pocket payments made in recent years by... -
FeaturesD&O, workers’ comp lead downhill pricing parade, according to risk managers’ survey
Directors and officers insurance continues to be a highly competitive... -
Features‘Big 3’ brokers still feeling effects of Spitzer attack, Standard & Poor’s says
The October 2004 attack by then New York Attorney General, now... -
FeaturesSwett & Crawford CEO says softening market doesn’t leave out E&S market as an option
Whether the market is "soft" or "softening" doesn't make a... -
FeaturesBritish auto insurer survey targets women’s view of male drivers’ irritating habits
A survey from the United Kingdom's Diamond, an automobile insurer... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Willis rejects insurers' alternatives for contingent commissions... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Lloyd's and Economist Intelligence Unit report warns of threats from... -
FeaturesAgent leader renews vow to defend incentive pay
The leader of the Independent Insurance Agents and Brokers of America... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Risk managers report total cost of risk continues downward trend The... -
FeaturesMarketing survey reports Baby Boomers remain loyal to auto, home, medical and life insurance brand
Baby Boomers may be more likely to switch brands across a wide... -
FeaturesThe Courage to Compete
In 1968 when the Maurice "Hank" Greenberg took over what was to... -
Features2007 Property/Casualty State Specialist Insurers
1 Brickstreet Mutual Insurance Co. WV 765,963 2 Texas Mutual... -
FeaturesA closer look at risk management for habitational risks
Habitational properties — apartments, condominiums, hotels,... -
FeaturesProperty/Casualty State Specialists Insurers
The late Speaker of the House of Representatives "Tip" O'Neill once... -
FeaturesStatus quo on Capitol Hill may be best
Washington, D.C., is a bit bluer these days than it was about a year... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyReduce client services to better compete
Customer loyalty, in insurance and elsewhere, is an oxymoron. Buyers...