July 23, 2007
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
2007 Excess, Surplus and Specialty Markets Directory, Vol. II; 2nd Quarter Market Survey
In this Issue
FeaturesCalif. low cost auto insurance program expanded to nine counties
California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner announced his... -
FeaturesThe Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act
After decades of frustration and brutal disappointment, the vexing... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Oregon fines nine AIG companies $5 million The Oregon Department of... -
Features$660 million will settle church abuse case
Negotiations have produced a landmark $660 million settlement between... -
Declarations Claims capacity "I don't see the CEA being a healthy... -
FeaturesCalif. workers’ comp earthquake losses could exceed $150 million annually
California workers' compensation insurers will need $180 million... -
Fraud RoundupFraud Roundup
Five contractors arrested in Lake Tahoe California Insurance... -
FeaturesTeen drivers talk, text too much while on the road
An alarming number of teen drivers are engaging in risky behavior,... -
FeaturesAgency must pay $5.8 million to SoCal firm
An insurance agency must pay $5.8 million to a small business that... -
FeaturesDespite firefighting prowess, the Russians aren’t coming
While the Southeast's largest wildfire in more than a century was... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Edgewood Partners, Calco Insurance Edgewood Partners Insurance... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Hawaii governor vetoes workers' comp bills The Hawaii Legislature has... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Tahoe Fire losses could reach $150 million, victims may be... -
FeaturesRegional companies provide a competitive advantage
Agents need to build a portfolio of carriers to meet their clients... -
FeaturesThousands of Washington homes threatened by faulty fire sprinklers
Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna and the Office of the State... -
FeaturesCalif. Earthquake Authority pushes for industry assessments
Southbound Highway 880 traffic was routed around a damaged section of... -
FeaturesBankruptcy and D&O Claims Settlements
Ever since "entity coverage" became a part of the standard directors'... -
FeaturesOregon’s Ario tapped to be Pennsylvania commissioner
Oregon's Department of Consumer & Business Services announced that... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Family Entertainment Centers Nuts & Bolts: A program tailored for... -
FeaturesStudy: Calif. workers’ comp reforms working
California experienced the largest decrease in average workers'... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Fireman's Fund launches Bay Area wildfire readiness program To kick... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Size doesn’t matter
Big or small, company size is said not to matter in the insurance... -
FeaturesNevada consumers puzzle over using credit history
As Ed Rathje sees it, his first foray into the Nevada Legislature as... -
People & PlacesPeople
Less than six months after being promoted to the job, Joseph J.... -
FeaturesA recipe for independent agency-carrier relationship success
Agency-company relationships are a softer issue in business today,... -
It FiguresFigures
$5 million Amount the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business... -
Closing QuoteThe Nonadmitted and Reinsurance Reform Act
The right policy at the right time After decades of frustration and... -
CurrentsFireman’s Fund launches Bay Area wildfire readiness program
With wildfire season in full force, Novato, Calif.-based Fireman's... -
CurrentsThousands of Washington homes threatened by faulty fire sprinklers
Washington Attorney General Rob McKenna and the Office of the State... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Family Entertainment Centers Nuts & Bolts: A program tailored for... -
CurrentsOregon’s Ario tapped to be Pennsylvania commissioner
Oregon's Department of Consumer & Business Services announced that... -
CurrentsTahoe fire losses could reach $150 million, victims may be underinsured
Insured loss estimates for the Angora Fire that burned south Lake... -
FeaturesCongress gets serious about surplus lines insurance reform
Legislation passes House, heads for the Senate; but not all in the... -
The bill would establish national standards for how states regulate... -
FeaturesReeling in the new recruits
The surplus lines market is not unlike any other segment of the... -
FeaturesControl experience modification factor, before it controls you
Moving employers to take the right steps to reduce experience mod... -
FeaturesPremium Growth: Top 25 P/C premium gainers for first quarter 2007
"Growth is not constant and smooth. ... I ain't what I ought to be.... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyCreatively communicate with your carriers
There is more to good company relations than just putting an... -
Idea ExchangeCommercial lines insurers’ stocks up; M&A activity steady in 2nd quarter
Stock Prices: Commercial insurers' stocks were up an impressive 8... -
CurrentsIndustry supports terror bill but not all agree with NBCR mandate
At a congressional hearing in Washington, D.C. last month, insurance... -
CurrentsFBI data mining targets include insurance fraud suspects
The FBI is gathering and sorting information about Americans to help... -
CurrentsGAO: Identity theft cases limited compared to number of security breaches
While the Government Accountability Office fell short of offering... -
CurrentsP/C industry net income, overall profitability slips
The U.S. property/casualty insurance industry's net income after... -
U.S. property/casualty insurers are expected to pay homeowners and... -
CurrentsBermuda shorted as more U.S. captives form onshore, Aon reports
Bermuda's reign as the undisputed global leader among captive... -
CurrentsSupreme Court raises bar for investors bringing securities fraud suits
The U.S. Supreme Court last month imposed a strict standard that... -
CurrentsTreasury chief Paulson vows review of U.S. financial services regulation
The Bush administration plans to review the U.S. government's... -
FeaturesBuilding the case with customers for excess casualty coverage
Rising tort costs, increasing litigation trends dictate the need for... -
Editor's NoteSize doesn’t matter
Big or small, company size is said not to matter in the insurance... -
Currents$660 million will settle church abuse case
Negotiations have produced a landmark $660 million settlement between... -
CurrentsHawaii governor vetoes workers’ comp bills
The Hawaii Legislature has failed to override Gov. Linda Lingle's... -
CurrentsStudy: Calif. workers’ comp reforms working
California experienced the largest decrease in average workers'... -
CurrentsAgency must pay $5.8 million to SoCal firm
An insurance agency must pay $5.8 million to a small business that... -
Claims capacity "I don't see the CEA being a healthy organization... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$5 million Amount the Oregon Department of Consumer and Business... -
CurrentsCalif. low cost auto insurance program expanded to nine counties
California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner announced his... -
CurrentsOregon fines nine AIG companies $5 million
The Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services (DCBS) has... -
FeaturesRegional companies provide a competitive advantage
Agents need to build a portfolio of carriers to meet their clients... -
FeaturesA recipe for independent agency-carrier relationship success
Agency-company relationships are a softer issue in business today,... -
FeaturesCalif. Earthquake Authority pushes for industry assessments
Negotiations are continuing in the California insurance industry, as... -
The California Earthquake Authority (CEA) announced successful... -
FeaturesCalif. workers’ comp earthquake losses could exceed $150 million annually
California workers' compensation insurers will need $180 million... -
FeaturesDespite firefighting prowess, the Russians aren’t coming
While the Southeast's largest wildfire in more than a century was... -
FeaturesTeen drivers talk, text too much while on the road
An alarming number of teen drivers are engaging in risky behavior,... -
FeaturesNevada consumers puzzle over using credit history
As Ed Rathje sees it, his first foray into the Nevada Legislature as... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
Less than six months after being promoted to the job, Joseph J.... -
Idea ExchangeBankruptcy and D&O claims settlements
Ever since "entity coverage" became a part of the standard directors'... -
Fraud RoundupFraud Roundup
Five contractors arrested in Lake Tahoe California Insurance... -
The Nevada Division of Insurance has launched a campaign to address...
National Coverage
News CurrentsNews Currents
Bermuda shorted as more U.S. captives form onshore, Aon reports... -
FeaturesTreasury chief Paulson vows review of U.S. financial services regulation
The Bush administration plans to review the U.S. government's... -
Carrier WatchCommercial lines insurers’ stocks up; M&A activity steady in 2nd quarter
Stock Prices: Commercial insurers' stocks were up an impressive 8... -
Workers CompControl experience modification factor, before it controls you
One of the most confusing components of an employer's workers'... -
FeaturesFBI data mining targets include insurance fraud suspects
The FBI is gathering and sorting information about Americans to help... -
FeaturesCongress gets serious about surplus lines insurance reform
Insurance regulatory reform efforts on Capitol Hill took a giant leap... -
FeaturesPremium Growth: Top 25 P/C premium gainers for first quarter 2007
I am certain that Erik Erikson, Stella Chess and Jane Whitbread were... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
P/C industry net income, overall profitability slips The U.S.... -
FeaturesIndustry supports terror bill but not all agree with NBCR mandate
At a congressional hearing in Washington, D.C. last month, insurance... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Supreme Court raises bar for investors bringing securities fraud... -
FeaturesReeling in the new recruits
The surplus lines market is not unlike any other segment of the... -
FeaturesBuilding the case with customers for excess casualty coverage
What should brokers or agents say when they meet resistance from... -
FeaturesGAO: Identity theft cases limited compared to number of security breaches
While the Government Accountability Office fell short of offering...