August 6, 2007
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Top Commercial Lines Retail Agencies; Errors & Omissions; Commercial Auto/Taxis/Limos
In this Issue
News CurrentsNews Currents
Calif. State Bar considers mandatory malpractice insurance disclosure... -
FeaturesInsurance company services adult Americans deem to be most important
Insurance company services deemed most important by adults ages 18-24... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Oregon seeking comments on insurer assessments Oregon's Department of... -
10 The maximum number of hours in a row truckers will be able to... -
Closing QuoteInsurance credit scoring: 21st century redlining and the end of insurance
You've just been laid off from your job. Or your daughter has a major... -
FeaturesCalif. launches online system for agency licensing
California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner has announced that... -
FeaturesInsurance referendum appears headed for Washington ballot
In its latest attempt to block a Washington regulation that insurers... -
FeaturesConsumer group says FTC report proves credit scoring costs minorities
A national consumer group stepped up its criticism of a recent... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Safeco Seattle-based Safeco has expanded its sales organization from... -
FeaturesAre lower securities lawsuit filing levels temporary or permanent?
There are a number of reasons to be skeptical, based on limited data,... -
FeaturesState laws vary, but principles stay the same
Few things help to build trust between insurance agents and their... -
FeaturesMore on scores
Declarations "The growing use of credit-based insurance scores... -
FeaturesIn the oil and gas sector, all policies are not the same
In previous articles on this subject I have preached the virtues of... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Court rules liability waiver invalid when there is gross negligence... -
FeaturesManaging energy industry risk in a volatile world
The world has experienced rapid and profound changes in recent years,... -
Editor's NoteEditor’s Note: Credit score concern
Debate on insurers' use of credit scores in automobile underwriting... -
FeaturesMore Americans seek auto coverage via Internet
Americans automobile insurance habits are changing, with more adults... -
FeaturesTask force to investigate former SCIF employees
Three California agencies have formed a task force to investigate the... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Phone Indications on EPLI Nuts & Bolts: International Excess Agency... -
The Main Street America Group named Gregg Effner assistant vice... -
Editor's NoteCredit score concern
Debate on insurers' use of credit scores in automobile underwriting... -
CurrentsCourt rules liability waiver invalid when there is gross negligence
The California Supreme Court has ruled that a signed liability waiver... -
CurrentsCalif. State Bar considers mandatory malpractice insurance disclosure
The California State Bar is considering whether lawyers in the Golden... -
People & PlacesPeople and Places
The Main Street America Group named Gregg Effner assistant vice... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Phone Indications on EPLI Nuts & Bolts: International Excess Agency... -
FeaturesConsumer group says FTC report proves credit scoring costs minorities
A national consumer group stepped up its criticism of a recent... -
FeaturesManaging energy industry risk in a volatile world
The world has experienced rapid and profound changes in recent years,... -
FeaturesIn the oil and gas sector, all policies are not the same
Make sure the coverages in the O&G contract are the ones your client... -
FeaturesMore Americans seek auto coverage via Internet
Yet study shows access to agents still valued when purchasing... -
Idea ExchangeAre lower securities lawsuit filing levels temporary or permanent?
In early July, Stanford University Law School Class Action... -
Legal BeatState laws vary, but principles stay the same
Few things help to build trust between insurance agents and their... -
Closing QuoteInsurance credit scoring: 21st century redlining and the end of insurance
You've just been laid off from your job. Or your daughter has a major... -
California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner has announced that... -
CurrentsInsurance referendum appears headed for Washington ballot
In its latest attempt to block a Washington regulation that insurers... -
CurrentsOregon seeking comments on insurer assessments
Oregon's Department of Consumer and Business Services is seeking... -
More on scores "The growing use of credit-based insurance scores... -
It FiguresIt Figures
10 The maximum number of hours in a row truckers will be able to... -
CurrentsTask force to investigate former SCIF employees
Three California agencies have formed a task force to investigate the... -
FeaturesAgents capitalize on soft market opportunities when buying E&O
Jim Armitage of California and Jonathan Geib of Tennessee are among... -
CurrentsThe Hartford settlement ends agents’ contingent commissions
The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. announced it has reached a... -
FeaturesCommercial lines insights of top agencies
While much of the talk about the current commercial and professional... -
FeaturesTaxicab market: limousines’ ugly stepsister?
Specialized taxicab market may not be glamorous, but can be as good... -
FeaturesCommercial clients should know who’s behind the wheel
Every insurance agent dreads the call from a business owner reporting... -
Minding Your BusinessWorking ‘on’ instead of ‘in’ your business
At a recent event in Aspen, Colo., Michael Gerber, the author of "The... -
CurrentsHouse panel votes to add wind to flood program
Private insurance companies are balking at a decision by a key House... -
CurrentsAgents say ‘no’ or nothing to adding wind coverage in flood program
Some independent insurance agents are taking a "neutral" position... -
Commercial insurance premiums continued to decline during the second... -
Cover StoryAgents Errors & Omissions
If ever there was a time for insurance agents to get out and go...
National Coverage
News BriefsNews Briefs
Commercial P/C prices still dropping, risk manager survey finds... -
FeaturesCommercial clients should know who’s behind the wheel
Every insurance agent dreads the call from a business owner reporting... -
In the July 23, 2007 issue, Insurance Journal, listed incorrect dates... -
FeaturesTaxicab market: limousines’ ugly stepsister?
As an agent you may receive a request to provide insurance for a... -
FeaturesCommercial Lines Leaders
About the Commercial Lines Leaders: The Commercial Lines Leaders in... -
FeaturesAgents in E&O Buyer’s Seat
If ever there was a time for insurance agents to get out and go... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
Agents say 'no' or nothing to adding wind coverage in flood program... -
News CurrentsThe Hartford settlement with attorneys general ends agents’ contingent
The Hartford Financial Services Group Inc. announced it has reached a... -
FeaturesCommercial lines insights of top agencies
While much of the talk about the current commercial and professional... -
News CurrentsNews Currents
House panel votes to add wind to flood program Private insurance... -
Minding Your BusinessWorking ‘on’ instead of ‘in’ your business
At a recent event in Aspen, Colo., Michael Gerber, the author of "The...