December 3, 2007
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
2007 Program Directory, Vol. II
In this Issue
FeaturesMalibu, Calif., Faces Wildfires, Again
For the second time in a little more than a month, residents in... -
FeaturesState of Emergency Declared in Anaconda, Mont.
Anaconda Police Chief John Sullivan, left, points out damage to the... -
Editor's NoteA Nod to Dodd
Sen. Trent Lott, R- Miss., appears to have quieted down since his... -
FeaturesHawaii County Looks to Stem Flood Hazards, Meets National Flood Insurance Program Deadline
Hawaii County has met a deadline to save Big Island residents'... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesCatastrophic Events Raise Business Interruption Coverage Questions
Considering the number of people who lived and worked in the area,... -
FeaturesS&P Report Examines Calif. Earthquake Insurance
The Golden State got a jolt on Oct. 30 with a 5.6 magnitude... -
On Agents and Brokers "Let me be clear about how I feel about agents... -
FeaturesCalif. State Fund Holds Line on 2008 Workers’ Comp Rates
California's State Compensation Insurance Fund has announced the... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Hull & Co., McFall General Hull & Co. Inc. has acquired the assets of... -
Closing QuoteGuaranty Fund System Continues to Deliver
Funds fulfill statutory promise to protect policyholders At the heart... -
FeaturesDeregulation Pushing Banks Into Insurance Industry
As the financial services industry has evolved since deregulation,... -
People & PlacesPeople
Kyle Stevens was elected president and CEO of Western Security... -
FeaturesEffectively Navigating Environmental Liability Risk
Those involved in commercial real estate transactions are often... -
FeaturesKipper to Lead Oregon Insurance Division
The Oregon Department of Consumer and Business Services has named... -
FeaturesCalif. Sues Manufacturers of Toys With Lead
California Attorney General Edmund G. Brown Jr. and Los Angeles City... -
FeaturesCalif. Commissioner Files Uninsured Motorist Ballot Initiative
Proving rumors true, California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner... -
FeaturesFrom Insurance Consumer to Commissioner
While the position of California Insurance Commissioner is elected... -
FeaturesSafeco Estimates Calif. Wildfire Losses at $35 Million
Frank Santoya, a member of the California Fire Office of the State...
National Coverage
FeaturesWhen Selling Their Business, Brokerage Owners Should Not Go Bare
How hiring an investment banker who specializes in agency mergers can... -
FeaturesLoss Control Crucial to Program Success
Loss control personnel are not often thought of fondly in customers'... -
FeaturesFraming the Issues
PCI's new CEO plans to 'scan the horizon' for insurer members facing... -
FeaturesSenate Approves Terrorism Insurance Backstop Extension
The Senate passed the Terrorism Risk Insurance Program... -
FeaturesActuaries Have Special Role When Explaining Credit Scores and Losses
Despite evidence it is not always clear why there is an association... -
FeaturesCommunication is Key When Managing Program Contracts
The insurance industry survives on relationships built between agents... -
FeaturesFederal Legislation to Offer States Incentives for Stronger Building Codes
States that already have a mandatory statewide building code and have... -
Minding Your BusinessFive Trends for Agents to Track
In a poem written 2,000 years ago by Horace, he used the phrase... -
FeaturesWatson Wyatt: Property/Casualty Insurance Market to Remain Soft in 2008
The market for property and casualty insurance will stay soft in... -
FeaturesMost Global Organizations Lack Fully Integrated Enterprise Risk
Even as government regulators and corporate stakeholders demand...