December 24, 2007
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
The Year in Review; Wishes & Predictions
In this Issue
It FiguresIt Figures
$3.2 Billion Amount lost in the United States due to phishing... -
FeaturesNotable News
Following are the top news stories that occurred in the West in 2007.... -
Editor's NoteRisky Business
It's risky business selecting the top stories of the year. One's... -
FeaturesMake the Most of the Mexico-bound
Auto coverage essential; homeowners a growing market Recent snow and... -
Workers' Comp Insurer Needs Change "Given SCIF's size, its fiscal... -
FeaturesNatural Disasters, Fires, Floods, Fair Conduct Fueled Insurance Industry Discussions in 2007
While 2007 was surprisingly calm year for hurricanes, that doesn't... -
FeaturesGood Agency-Carrier Relationships Travel a Two-Way Street
Carriers and agencies both face challenges in maintaining quality... -
FeaturesClaims Flowing in Following Pacific Northwest Rains, Floods
In storm-ravaged parts of the Northwest, home and business owners are... -
FeaturesSubprime Contagion: Where Will the Litigation Wave Spread Next?
The subprime mortgage meltdown has been a leading story on the front... -
People & PlacesPeople
Robert P. Page of Houma, La., was installed as president of the... -
Closing QuoteOn the Radar for 2008
It's that time of year — predictions about everything from the... -
FeaturesCourt: Workers’ Comp Benefits Don’t Apply at Educational Conference
The family of an employee is not entitled to workers' compensation... -
FeaturesScathing Audit: Calif. Workers’ Comp Insurer Needs Significant Reforms
California's State Compensation Insurance Fund "has weak corporate...
National Coverage
FeaturesAgents Wish for More Stability, But Predict Soft Market Will Continue in 2008
Industry hopes for disaster solutions, federal terrorism insurance... -
FeaturesMarketing Insurance with Postcards
The success of the nation's top direct insurance marketers impacts... -
FeaturesSurvey of Analysts Projects Healthy Underwriting Profits
I.I.I.'s Earlybird Forecast predicts negative premium growth but... -
FeaturesOrganic Growth Success Should Be a Key Initiative for 2008
Transparency, disclosure, and private equity interest reshape how... -
FeaturesThe Quiet Giant
The secret is out: Utah-based Leavitt Group is big – it now... -
Features2007: Climate Change Dominates Debate While Soft Market Hits Entire P/C Market
The debate over climate change captured the world's attention,...