January 28, 2008
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
2008 Excess, Surplus and Specialty Markets Directory, Vol. I
In this Issue
FeaturesCalifornia AG Approves Uninsured Motorist Ballot Initiative
Commissioner Poizner says measure needed to protect public safety,... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$62,000 Los Angeles-based Farmers Group Inc. announced it gave... -
FeaturesAIG to Pay $42.5 Million to Cleanup After Failed Company
The American International Specialty Lines Insurance Co. Inc.... -
FeaturesAn Insurer’s Success Relies on the Expertise of Its Underwriters
An insurer's success rests largely in the expertise of its... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesIndustry Executives Predict Tort Trends Likely to Remain Stable in 2008
Tort trends will likely remain stable in the year ahead, according to... -
Closing QuoteCrisis Plan Must Work at Moment’s Notice
The best crisis plan in the world is useless if it sits on a shelf. A... -
FeaturesCalif. Agents Brace for Rising Workers’ Comp Rates
In the largest survey of its kind, fewer than half of California's... -
FeaturesOregon Requires CGL to Include Completed Operations Coverage
The Oregon Department of Insurance is reminding producers who write... -
People & PlacesPeople
Zurich named Kevin Dunham senior vice president and global... -
FeaturesSouthern California Wildfire Losses Could Top $2 Billion
The California Department of Insurance announced that 37,117 claims... -
FeaturesAgents Have Options to Profit as Cycles Turn
Trust, efficiency, quality, knowledge are among the values... -
FeaturesAriz. Court Goes Against State Farm in Uninsured Motorist Case
A recent Arizona Supreme Court ruling blocks insurance companies from... -
FeaturesEngineers Warn Flooding is ‘Next Big Disaster’ for California
While flooding in California's Central Valley is "the next big... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Beecher Carlson, Alliance Insurance Atlanta-based Beecher Carlson... -
Startling Results "We wanted to know what these insurance agents see... -
FeaturesState Officials Not Sold on New License Rules Under Real ID Act of 2005
States have five more years to verify identity, reissue licenses;... -
FeaturesThe Subprime Mess Spills Into ERISA Lawsuits
Lawsuits against 401(k) plan fiduciaries and fund managers on the... -
FeaturesThe Pressure’s On
Washington State's Kreidler believes now's the time for the industry... -
Editor's NoteABCs
The insurance industry is a "C" student industry; the "A" and "B"... -
FeaturesSurvey: Men Believe They’re Better Prepared for Disaster Than Women
Men and women are on different pages when it comes to disaster... -
FeaturesUtah WC Fund Laptop Stolen; Personal Data at Risk
The Workers' Compensation Fund, one of Utah's largest insurers, is... -
FeaturesPhysicians Insurance to Reduce Rates for Medical Malpractice in Washington
Washington's largest writer of medical malpractice coverage for...
National Coverage
FeaturesExecutives See Only Moderate Growth for P/C Industry in 2008
Property casualty insurance insiders predicted 2008 will be a year of... -
FeaturesSupreme Court Limits Investors’ Securities Lawsuits in Stoneridge Ruling
In a decision sought by corporate America to stem the tide of... -
FeaturesTo Thrive and Survive
E&S brokers seek new ways to grow, prosper in today's changing market... -
FeaturesRegulators Address the Politics of Underwriting
There is an X-factor in setting insurance rates that even actuaries... -
FeaturesEuropean Risk Managers, Industry Face New and Not so New Challenges
FERMA conference highlights growing importance of risk management in... -
Carrier WatchCommercial Insurers’ Stocks Flat in 2007; M&As Heat Up
Stock Prices: Commercial lines insurers' stocks have been relatively... -
FeaturesISO: Insurers to Pay $6.5 Billion in 2007 Catastrophe Claims
U.S. property/casualty insurers are expected to pay homeowners and... -
FeaturesAgents Mind Your Es & Os
As insurance companies face larger, more frequent catastrophe losses,... -
FeaturesSetting and Tracking Goals for Agency Producers
Every inexperienced agent and seasoned producer is hired with some... -
FeaturesDespite Woes, Biggest Insurance Brokers Still Make the Grade
Fitch reports leaner and more transparent brokers are better equipped... -
FeaturesConsumer Group Claims Insurers Overcharge, Underpay Policyholders
Insurers defend recent years' profits, deny allegations and call... -
FeaturesLloyd’s Defends Insurers Against ‘Spoilsport’ Image
An increasingly common complaint against the insurance industry...