February 25, 2008
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Professional Liability Directory; Boats and Marinas; Commercial Auto
In this Issue
FeaturesCalif. Department of Insurance Denies it Violated Claims Adjusting Firm’s Settlement Terms
Matthew Todd, vice president of Paramount Disaster Recovery Inc., is... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$79.5 Million The Oregon Supreme Court for a third time upheld a... -
FeaturesInsurers Criticize Proposed Washington Auto Glass Repair Bill
Legislation approved in early February by the Washington House of... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesConsumer Groups Challenge USAA Rate Filing
The Greenlining Institute is the most recent consumer protection... -
FeaturesHedging Against Losses
How to navigate risk and find coverage solutions for hedge funds and... -
Editor's NoteTime to Invest Infrastructure
U.S. District Judge Stanwood Duval recently dismissed a lawsuit... -
UM/UIM Options "Uninsured and underinsured motorist insurance are... -
FeaturesCalif. Bill Seeks to Ban Alleged Bias in Workers’ Comp Awards
A Democratic lawmaker is pushing legislation in California that would... -
FeaturesColo. Insurers Refund $5.7 Million for Overcharges
Two insurance companies have refunded about $5.7 million to Colorado... -
Closing QuoteGrowing Market Share and Revenue Through Financial Services
For years, property casualty (P/C) agencies have been making the jump... -
FeaturesThe Promise of NAFTA Not Quite Fulfilled
It's been a long, frustrating process for most participants In... -
FeaturesAIG’s $5 Billion Write-Down Has Rating Agencies, Wall Street Concerned
Some observers speculate the fallout could lead to additional woes... -
FeaturesOregon High Court Reaffirms $79.5 Million Award in Philip Morris Case
The Oregon Supreme Court for a third time has allowed a $79.5 million... -
FeaturesMedi-Spas: Industry Growth Has No Limits
The anti-aging and medi-spa revolution is here to stay some experts... -
FeaturesIdaho House Passes UIM Rejection Notice Bill
The Idaho House passed legislation (HB 429) this month that requires... -
People & PlacesPeople
San Diego-based Barney & Barney LLC named Jim O'Connell principal. He... -
FeaturesThings to Consider When Estimating Subprime D&O Losses
There are likely to be more securities class action lawsuits in 2008... -
Fraud RoundupFraud RoundUp
Calif. Insurance Agent Sentenced Calif. Insurance Commissioner Steve... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Chartwell Independent Insurance Brokers Chartwell Independent...
National Coverage
Features‘Managing the Cycle’ Remains No. 1 Priority, Lloyd’s Survey Finds
Lloyd's of London has published its fourth annual underwriting... -
FeaturesD&O Costs Highest for Financial, Tech, Life Science
A new study has found that the financial services, technology and... -
FeaturesStudy: Subprime Crisis Not Materially Affecting D&O
The crisis in the subprime mortgage market has had little impact on... -
News CurrentsMedical Costs for Auto Injury Claims Outpacing Inflation
A new study by the Insurance Research Council (IRC) has found that... -
FeaturesWith Technology, the One Constant is Change
Keeping up with rapid developments is a challenge for professional... -
Features10 Things to Know About Commercial Auto
1. When should an insured consider a commercial auto policy over a... -
FeaturesMarinas’ Ticking Bomb
What lies inside a customer's file makes the difference in insurable... -
FeaturesOffer Pre-Packaged Personal Auto Insurance Choices
Like it or not, personal automobile insurance, along with personal... -
FeaturesQuarterly Profit Down 62% at Marsh; 2007 Revenues Up 8%
Quarterly profits at Marsh & McLennan dropped 62 percent, as fourth... -
FeaturesStrength in Numbers and Cooperation
No. 4 on IJ's Top 100, Keystone Insurers Group's cooperative approach... -
FeaturesCreate a Team Environment in An Individual Commission-Based World
A brokerage firm and its brokers all benefit when everyone plays for... -
FeaturesNavigate Policy Waters to Get Boat Owners the Right Type of Coverage
Boats are not just luxury items for the rich, but they are also items... -
FeaturesPublic Broker Stocks Down in Dec. as 2007 Closes With 205 M&A Deals
Stock Prices: Brokerage stocks mimicked the overall uneasiness of the...