April 21, 2008
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Top 100 Retail Agencies; Medical Professional Liability; Top Performing P/C Insurers: 1Q
In this Issue
Fraud RoundupTrio Arrested for International Auto Fraud
Three individuals were arrested in California for allegedly being... -
FeaturesContractors and Certificates of Liability Insurance
Your E&O claim waiting to happen Certificates — not again. Haven't... -
FeaturesCourt Throws Out Nevada’s Insurance Agent Countersignature Law
The U.S. 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has invalidated Nevada's... -
FeaturesInsurers Keen on NCAA’s Basket-full of Opportunities
The Hartford and XL Insurance pursue insurance industry's love affair... -
FeaturesHow to Get a Powerful Person to Listen to New Ideas
Confident bosses turn deaf ear to new ideas when they are feeling the... -
Closing QuoteFederal Charter: A Future ‘Insurance Subprime’ Debacle?
The banking and securities industry is facing worldwide subprime... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Hull & Co., Big Sky Underwriters, Powers & Co. Hull & Co. Inc.... -
It FiguresIt Figures
600 The number of earthquakes that have shaken the basin off the... -
People & PlacesPeople
Novato, Calif.-based Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. named Michael... -
FeaturesConsumer Advocates Criticize Allstate’s Claims Practices
A California consumer advocate group is criticizing Allstate for... -
FeaturesInsurers: Colorado Bill Threatens Auto Insurance Savings
The Colorado Legislature is considering a bill that the Property... -
P/C Consolidation "The logic of consolidation within the property and... -
Fraud RoundupNearly a Dozen Arrested for $2 Million Scam
Eleven alleged Bay Area fraud perpetrators were arrested on numerous... -
FeaturesAAA Study Pegs Cost of U.S. Traffic Crashes at $1,051 Per Person
Traffic crashes cost American motorists more than $160 billion a year... -
FeaturesAIG Rebrands Domestic Insurance Operations as P/C Group; Shuffles Executives
American International Group, Inc. has renamed its Domestic General... -
FeaturesInsurance Skills Center Celebrates 30th Anniversary
Founders reflect on changes in insurance industry education The... -
Editor's NoteState v. Federal Fight Heats Up
In the face of growing economic turmoil, the Bush administration is... -
FeaturesCalifornia Legislature Considers Changes to State Fund
California's Legislature is considering changes to operations of the...
National Coverage
FeaturesAgents’ Workload Goes Up as Economy, Compensation Move Down
Soft market, economic downturn, consumer advocacy translate into more... -
FeaturesPublic Brokers’ Stocks Trading Down While M&As Fall in February, March
Stock Prices: Brokerage stocks have started 2008 in a downward... -
FeaturesSoft Market’s Effect on Premium Volume Doesn’t Have to Hinder Revenue
Soft market's effect on premium volume doesn't have to hinder revenue... -
FeaturesWorld’s Weather as a Deranged Pinball Machine?
The 10th edition of the European Insurance Forum (EIF), held at... -
News CurrentsUnderwriting Hurt Insurers’ Bottom Lines in 2007
Steep declines in underwriting profits hurt bottom lines for property... -
FeaturesClinton Plan Would Cut Tax Benefit for Foreign Insurers Competing for U.S. Business
Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton, as part of a broad... -
FeaturesPrognosis Good in Medical Professional Liability Market
Tort reform keeping claims frequency down; surplus up, but severity... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesWhite Papers and Blueprints: Agents Chart Their Own Regulatory Future
Independent agents hold onto market share, prepare for post-November... -
FeaturesU.S. Disaster Agency FEMA Improved But Still Lacking, Report Says
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is better prepared for... -
FeaturesDevelop Online Renewal Questionnaires for Homeowners Insureds
During the latter decades of the 20th Century, small insurance... -
FeaturesHealth Care Market May Be Safer to Operate In
Tort reform, soft market, drive down claims frequency in health care... -
FeaturesTop 100 Property Casualty Independent Agencies
About This Report: The soft market had its effect on this year's Top... -
FeaturesSurvey: 1Q Commercial Lines Premiums Drop Most Since 2005
Commercial lines insurance premiums experienced the largest quarterly... -
FeaturesPremium Growth: Top 25 P/C Premium Gainers in 2007 Versus 2006
President Calvin Coolidge noted that "All growth depends upon... -
FeaturesClimate Change Risk Gives Industry An Opportunity to Be Part of the Solution
Global warming, the consequence of which is referred to as climate... -
FeaturesFBI: Dollar Loss From Internet Crime Reaches All-time High of $240 Million in 2007
Internet crimes in 2007 cost nearly $240 million, a $40 million...