September 22, 2008
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Agency Technology; High Risk Property/Catastrophe Risks; Digital Product Guide
In this Issue
FeaturesUniversal North America to Offer Homeowners Insurance in Hawaii
Hawaii Insurance Commissioner J.P. Schmidt announced a new insurance... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Armstrong/Robitaille/Riegle,Balance Insurance Agency Orange,... -
People & PlacesPeople
Swiss Re appointed Walter A. Bell chairman of Swiss Re America... -
FeaturesBlogs Can Get Insurance Clients ‘SLAPP’ed
A Dade County, Florida real estate developer in January 2008 filed a... -
FeaturesCalifornia Commissioner Proposes Pay-As-You-Drive Regulations
California Insurance Commissioner Steve Poizner has proposed... -
Legal BeatReporting Requirements
A Review of Reporting Changes in Licensee's Background Information... -
FeaturesColoradans Spent $26 Billion in Insurance Premiums in 2007
During 2007, Colorado citizens paid more than 26 billion dollars in... -
More Subprime Challenges Ahead "The next few years will be very... -
FeaturesAppeals Court Throws out $241 Million Award in Executive Life Suit
An appeals court tossed out a $241 million award won by California in... -
Closing QuoteHope is Not an Agency Plan
Despite current market conditions, as I travel from state to state, I... -
FeaturesSupreme Court on Small Business
There is no question that U.S. Supreme Court's decisions impact small... -
FeaturesUntrustworthy Insurance Agents Will Lose Licenses in Washington
Insurance agents in Washington state can lose their licenses if they... -
Editor's NoteThe PAYD Puzzle
Telecommuting is growing at a rate of 15 percent annually, and with... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$115 Million Amount at which four former executives of American... -
FeaturesCalifornia Workers’ Comp Division Strengthens Judges’ Ethics Rules
California's Division of Workers' Compensation has adopted revised... -
FeaturesDefending Properties Against Natural Catastrophes
Build Smart With Passive Protection Systems, Safety Institute CEO...
National Coverage
FeaturesThe Road to a Paper-Free Environment Goes Beyond Technology
Paperless Agencies Create Better Workflows, Enhance Service, Security... -
FeaturesFitch: P/C Profits Decline Sharply in First-Half 2008
The U.S. property/casualty insurance industry reported mixed results... -
FeaturesLack of Technology Can Raise Agency E&O Concerns
The use of technology is interwoven into agency procedures and... -
FeaturesInsurance Execs See Significant Sub-Prime Impact on 2009 Results
Insurance executives expect sub-prime and other credit issues to... -
FeaturesConning: D&O Market Finds Way to Grow Even In Overall Soft Market
Over the past decade, the directors and officers liability market has... -
FeaturesU.S. Subprime Lawsuits Outpace S&L Cases, Study Finds
The U.S. subprime-mortgage crisis has now spurred more federal... -
FeaturesTrouble on the High Seas?
Understanding and Planning for Exporters' Risks While Cargo Is In... -
FeaturesStudy Finds Economic Costs of Federal Cat Legislation Significant
Taxpayers In At Least 20 States Could Face Multi-Billion Dollar Tax... -
FeaturesHurricane and Political Seasons Stir Up National Cat Plan Proposals
As Losses Mount for Insurers, More Proposals for a National Solution... -
Features5 Steps to Using Social Media to Boost Sales
Whether you've been in the insurance agency business a long time or... -
FeaturesU.S. Reinsurers Report Deteriorating Combined Ratio; Decline in Surplus
U.S. reinsurers reported a deteriorating combined ratio for the... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesIndependent Agent 2.0
Branding through Blogging and Beyond Real time technology is giving... -
Features9 Things to Think About For Your Next Agency Brochure
Make Your Next Agency Brochure a Portal to Your Web Site Since the... -
FeaturesPhoning Is So Last Generation
Phone interaction is not the way millennials (the 80 million...