November 17, 2008
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Contractors & Builders; Nonprofits/Social Services/ Public Entities; Top Personal Lines Retail Agencies
In this Issue
FeaturesWashington Not Likely to Focus Much on P/C Agents in 2009
Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler, the 64-year-old Democrat,... -
FeaturesTough Economic Times Could Force Salary Freezes in Southern California
Given today's tough economic times, most insurance agencies and... -
Financial Myth "This is a financially dangerous myth. ... Just... -
Editor's NoteOpportunity Management
As the impact of the global economic crisis takes hold, a quarter of... -
FeaturesNow is Not the Time for Insurance Industry Retreat
The word change has been largely embraced by the country this... -
FeaturesKreidler, Lindeen Take Top Insurance Regulator Spots
Mike Kreidler and Monica Lindeen have won the elections for top... -
People & PlacesPeople
New York-based Navigators Group hired Paul Hennessy as president of... -
FeaturesStrategic Planning for an Increasing Direct Writer Marketplace
The traditional role of an insurance agent in the sale of insurance... -
FeaturesArizona Voters Reject Homeowners Bill of Rights
Arizona voters overwhelming rejected Proposition 201, dubbed the... -
FeaturesSan Diego Voters Reject Fire Tax
Wildfires claimed more lives and homes in San Diego than any other... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Employers Holdings, AmCOMP Reno, Nev.-based Employers Holdings Inc.,... -
FeaturesDon’t Just Translate It
Why Advertising for Hispanic Consumers Should be Written in Spanish... -
Closing QuoteMemo to Insurance Producers: Get Ready to Produce More in 2009
Although the economy is in serious trouble, nothing has changed. You... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$150 Billion Amount the U.S. government dramatically boosted its... -
FeaturesPublic Entities Use Early Intervention to Improve Workers’ Comp Results
Public entities nationwide are searching for new strategies to... -
FeaturesWanted: Agencies Focusing on Hispanic Market
Arizona, California, Nevada High on List of States for Agency... -
FeaturesStudy: California Earthquake Could Cause $200 Billion in Losses
If a magnitude 7.0 earthquake occurred on California's Hayward Fault,... -
FeaturesBrooke Corp. Troubles Continue as Stock is Sold
Kansas Franchise Group Faces Lawsuits in Multiple States Amid the... -
FeaturesPiracy Attacks Boost Demand for Kidnap and Ransom Coverage
Pirate attacks on the world's shipping have been increasing at an... -
FeaturesWhat the 2008 Election Means for California’s Insurance Agents
For those of you who weren't aware, the November 4th election brought...
National Coverage
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesWhen It Comes to Crane Safety, It’s Not Safety First but Safety Always
Recognize Challenges, Develop a Plan and Start an Effective Crane... -
FeaturesGreen Building: New Benefits for Society and New Challenges for Risk Management
As society becomes more environmentally conscious, as energy prices... -
FeaturesSensible Success
Focusing on One Industry Has Allowed Construction Specialist Allied... -
FeaturesInsurance Industry’s Political Contributions to Democrats Spike in 2008
Political contributions to Democratic candidates in the 2008 election... -
FeaturesCEO of New Marsh Retail Agency Sees Lean, Nimble Operation
New Nationwide Entity to Target Smaller U.S.-Based Companies with... -
FeaturesSurvey: What Keeps Independent Agents Awake at Night?
Commissions, Technology, Agency Branding and Catastrophe Zones Rank... -
FeaturesHow to Control Construction Claims in a Collapsing Homebuilders’ Market
Working with Experienced Homebuilders, Rigorous Inspections and... -
FeaturesAttract and Win Social Services Business with Risk Management Strategies
How Insurance Professionals Can Be Valuable Advisors to Non-Profit... -
Growing Your Property Casualty Agency8 Ways to Jump Start Listless Agencies in Today’s Economy
These are the worst worldwide economic times in recent memory. Slow...