March 9, 2009
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Hospitality Risks Directory; Homeowners and Auto/Antiques and Collectibles; Long-Haul Trucking/ Energy/Oil & Gas
In this Issue
FeaturesA More Diverse Nation
The U.S. Census Bureau reported that by mid-century, the nation will... -
Idea ExchangeShrinking Budgets Stem Fraud Fighting Efforts
Fewer Fraud Bills To Be Debated in West With the downtrodden economy... -
FeaturesChanging Demographics Offer a World of Opportunity for Enterprising Agents
Minorities Destined to Become Majority by Mid-Century Before the 21st... -
FeaturesThe Flood Insurance Coverage Paradox
You May Not Know What You Think You Know About Flood Insurance Claims... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Mercury Insurance Los Angeles-based Mercury General Corp. reported a... -
People & PlacesPeople
San Francisco-based Wells Fargo & Co. announced its management team... -
FeaturesIt’s Time to Discuss Flood Insurance
It's rainy season, meaning there's an increased risk for flooding.... -
FeaturesWyoming Representatives Reject Bill to Raise Vehicle Liability Coverage Limits
The Wyoming House of Representatives has defeated a bill that would... -
Dear Shareholders "It will be interesting to see if Buffett himself... -
FeaturesNevada Debates Cab Seat Belt Law
A Nevada Senate panel heard testimony recently on a bill to let... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$6.8 Million Colorado's Division of Insurance announced that Allstate... -
Editor's Note‘Sometimes You Just Have to Ask’
"You don't have to be Hispanic to join the Hispanic Chamber of... -
FeaturesNevada Workers’ Comp Loss Costs, Risk Rates to Decrease
Nevada Insurance Commissioner Scott Kipper has approved revised... -
FeaturesThe Nuts of the Peanut Recall Case
The story of the salmonella-tainted peanut products distributed by...
National Coverage
Features10 Things to Know About … Energy, Oil & Gas
The types of risks classified under the energy insurance category... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesRecession Gives Agents New Opportunity with Car Lovers
Agents can offer collector-vehicle coverage to customers as a... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyDon’t Emulate How the Big Auto Insurers Sell
Market Auto Discounts Differently It's pretty safe to say that money... -
Minding Your BusinessThe Art of Restructuring Your Agency in Difficult Times
Since the fall of 2008, the economy is still reeling from continuous... -
FeaturesAnalysis: AIG Meltdown Has Roots in Greenberg Era
Maurice "Hank" Greenberg's legacy as the man who built AIG into the... -
FeaturesA Look at the Transportation Insurance Industry
Industry Still Stalled in a Soft Market But Some Rate Increases on... -
FeaturesFederal Reserve in Uncharted, Risky Territory with AIG Investment
The U.S. Federal Reserve, by taking an equity stake in American... -
FeaturesFinding a Niche
A Young Company With a Nontraditional Management Style, Heffernan... -
FeaturesOne Size Does Not Fit All
Agents Beware of Coverage Differences in Personal Umbrella Policies A...