May 18, 2009
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Workers' Comp Report with Directory; Restaurants/Bars/Liquor; Top Performing P/C Insurers: 1Q
In this Issue
Workers CompWorkers’ Comp Claims Frequency Down
Yet Uncertainties Continue to Face the Business The workers'... -
WildfiresLessons Learned from the November 2008 California Wildfires
The 2009 wildfire season may be just beginning, but what lessons can... -
FeaturesThe Biggest Loser?
Obesity Weighs Heavy on Workers' Compensation Claims It's time to... -
'We are lucky.' —Warren Buffett, as he addressed thousands of... -
Features2009 Fire Season Outlook Identifies Few Areas of Concern
Forecasts Normal to Below Normal Potential Across Most of the West... -
FeaturesShort-Term Profits Versus Long-Time Clients
In today's world, price is everything. Everyone seems to be looking... -
People & PlacesPeople
Zurich Financial Services Group appointed Francis Bouchard head of... -
FeaturesReinvention in Insurance: Is it Possible?
Despite what you may think, the insurance industry has not changed... -
FeaturesWinds Fan Santa Barbara Wildfire During Wildfire Awareness Week
A wildfire that began on May 5 in Santa Barbara County, Calif.... -
FeaturesDon’t Repeat the Seven Deadly Sins of Customer Service
Poor customer service is making headlines these days, and to some... -
FeaturesWhat Do Agents Want?
What do agents want from their insurance carriers? Surprisingly,... -
Editor's NoteWhat Agents Want
Money is the lifeblood of any business. But when it comes to running... -
FeaturesWhat Additional Living Expense/Loss of Use Coverage Means to California Fire Victims
The skies are filled with smoke, and hundreds of homeowners were... -
FeaturesWorkers’ Compensation Group Trusts: E&O Friend or Foe?
Agents Advised to Know How Trusts Differ From Typical Insurance... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Wells Fargo Insurance Services, North Coast Surety Wells Fargo...
National Coverage
FeaturesOutside the Beltway-Big ‘I’ CEO on Carrier Relations, AIG and Agent Grassroots
Bob Rusbuldt, president and CEO of the Independent Insurance Agents &... -
FeaturesCapital, Capital, or Where Did All the Money Go?
At least the global depression has focused people's minds on some... -
Closing QuoteAmid Obstacles, Opportunities Exist
In today's environment, the value of personal relationships, soar.... -
Workers CompEducation Strategy Propels Workers’ Comp Agency’s Growth in Down Economy
While the economy is in freefall, a Sioux Falls, S.D., workers'... -
FeaturesInside the Beltway-Federal Regulation Threat Remains Priority
Health care reform hasn't completely overwhelmed federal regulation... -
FeaturesPandemics in the Workplace
How a Flu Pandemic Impacts Workers' Comp Influenza is nothing new.... -
FeaturesAttacked in a Restaurant: The Insurance Implications of Assault and Battery
Being attacked by one or several restaurant employees is unexpected... -
FeaturesFight for IPC Re Intensifies; Pirates Continue Attacks; Solvency II Gets EU OK
A good old-fashioned fight has developed between Bermuda-based... -
FeaturesBenefit by Experimenting With a Second Agency Brand
Enjoy the Freedom of Marketing Experimentation Property/casualty... -
FeaturesInside the Beltway-Why Health Care Reform Matters to P/C Agents
P/C Agents Join Fight Against Competing Government Health Plan... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
Workers CompA Practical Guide to Workers’ Compensation
Prepare Clients for Premium Audits by Knowing the ABCs of Audits...