September 7, 2009
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
State/Regional E&S Report; Cyberisk/Identity Theft; Top Workers' Comp Insurers
In this Issue
FeaturesCalifornia Court: Assault in Self-Defense Not An Insurance ‘Accident’
Does a liability insurer have a duty to defend an insured who... -
FeaturesOregon Says Workers’ Comp Must Pay for Weight Loss Surgery
Weight-loss surgery can be covered in Oregon by workers' compensation... -
People & PlacesPeople
Colorado Casualty, a Liberty Mutual Agency Markets regional company... -
FeaturesQuake Models to Reduce Loss Estimates
Newark, Calif.-based insurance and risk modeling firm Risk Management... -
FeaturesCalif. Workers’ Comp Fund Sale Faces Many Hurdles
In a move that was not completely unexpected, California Insurance... -
FeaturesIdaho Agent Knows Job Safety Training and Employee Communication Pay Off
Nielsen Teaches Employers How to 'Close the Window' On Rising Comp... -
FeaturesNew Mexico Throws Out Baseball Immunity Rule
A fan struck by a baseball at a minor league ballpark is not barred... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
AmTrust, Swiss Re's CyberComp New York-based specialty... -
FeaturesAgency Co-branding: How to Work in Tandem with Carriers and Others
One of the most effective ways for an agency to build its book of... -
FeaturesColorado’s Pinnacol Under Scrutiny
Colorado's dominant workers compensation insurer is defending its... -
FeaturesMontana Surplus Lines Group Protests Stamping Office Takeover
The surplus lines industry is taking issue with the Montana insurance... -
FeaturesCalif.’s Employers Direct Now Wants Agents
Just a short time after announcing it was leaving the California... -
Editor's NoteMan’s Best Friend
A friend of mine — or more accurately, a friend of my dog —... -
Not-So-Progressive California "We've not been happy with our... -
It FiguresIt Figures
40 The number of hours of training in a single 24-hour day claimed by...
National Coverage
FeaturesBuyers of Home, Auto Insurance Say They’re Happy with Insurers
Most consumers of auto and homeowners insurance seem to be happy with... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesAll About Teamwork
Fostering Close Working Relationships Is a Priority for The NIA Group... -
FeaturesRed Flags, Notification Laws and Hi Tech Act – What Does It All Mean?
Data breaches have hit an all time high and with that have been a... -
FeaturesBar Association Seeks Exemption for Lawyers from Identity Theft Rule
The American Bar Association is seeking to bar the Federal Trade... -
FeaturesAt Home and Abroad, Vacated Properties Posing Greater Risks
A global recession, which has led to layoffs and a sharp drop in... -
FeaturesWildfires Wreak Havoc around the World
Australia, Canada, Spain, France, Italy, Greece, California: They've... -
Closing QuoteFive Essentials for a Successful Agency Web Site
Every insurance agency can benefit from having a Web site. Even if... -
FeaturesEvent Cancellation Insurance
Coverage For When the Show Just Can't Go On Michael Jackson's recent... -
FeaturesHuge Hacking Case Highlights Companies’ Vulnerability to Breaches
Consumers and companies are vulnerable to hackers and identity... -
FeaturesE&S Brokers Look for Rays of Light at the End of the Tunnel
Flat Economy, Persistent Soft Markets Have Forced Leaner Business... -
FeaturesTop 25 Workers’ Comp Insurers Show 36% Increase in Average Direct Premium Written
Results Based on Insurers' Growth June 30, 2009, versus June 30, 2008... -
Minding Your BusinessValue versus Price
Understanding Agency Value and the Sale Price Correlation When it... -
FeaturesDeclare Your Personal War on Time Poverty
Insurance professionals suffer from a particularly virulent form of... -
FeaturesBuyer and Agent Beware
BOP's Changes for the Better or Worse? Just when I really think I...