October 5, 2009
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Surplus Lines: State of the Market NAPSLO Issue; London Report; Risk Retention Group Directory
In this Issue
FeaturesHealth Rates Rose Fast in West
Family health care premiums rose an estimated three to five times... -
People & PlacesPeople
Jim Newberry, assistant vice president and risk control manager of... -
Features10 Insurers Hit Century Mark
The National Association of Mutual Insurance Companies has welcomed... -
FeaturesColorado Considers Laws for Pinnacol
Colorado lawmakers have filed bills to require better oversight for... -
FeaturesOregon Supreme Court to Decide If State Must Approve Punitive Damages
A federal appeals court has asked the Oregon Supreme Court to rule on... -
FeaturesHow to Cure 8 Common ‘Small’ Insurance Agency Ailments
Being Small Has Its Advantages But It's No Excuse for Being... -
FeaturesPay-As-You-Go Workers’ Comp Hits Second Generation
Once Available Only to Clients of PEOs, There Are Now Pay-As-You-Go... -
FeaturesPoizner Urges No Iranian Investments by Insurers
Just days ahead of Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad's recent... -
FeaturesObama Grants $25 Million to States for Medical Malpractice Pilot Projects
The White House says it has allocated $25 million in grants to states... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Willis, Ireland Willis Group Holdings Limited wants to change the... -
FeaturesCalifornia Fires Renew Push for National Arson Registry
The deadly fire at Angeles National Forest is renewing a push from... -
FeaturesCalifornia Firm Seeks Dismissal of $70 Million in Workers’ Comp Charges
As part an agreement to resolve criminal charges, Premier Medical... -
FeaturesLava-Listed on Hawaii’s Big Island
Insurers' Use of Lava Maps to Gauge Risk Doesn't Set Well With Some... -
Real Stuff "When the bubble burst, however, those risky mortgages... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$4 Million The estimated cost to build a tsunami evacuation building,... -
Features2009 a Boom Year for Government Activity on Insurance
Legislative and regulatory activity affecting the insurance industry...
National Coverage
FeaturesAIG Stabilizing But Ability to Repay Government in Doubt
Insurer American International Group's ability to restructure its... -
It FiguresIt Figures
$1,784 billion, trillion The amount being sought from Bank of America... -
FeaturesNow Is Time to Re-Evaluate Agency Systems to Do More With Less
Hosted, or Saas-Based, Solutions Allow Access to Core Technologies... -
Closing QuoteThe ‘Special’ Relationship
The bond between the United States and the U.K. has been the subject... -
FeaturesSurplus Lines Has Answer for Increasing Data Breach Exposure
Cell phones, smart phones, MP3 players, computers, e-mail, the list... -
FeaturesThe Value of Off-Site Agency Strategic Planning Sessions
There Is Still Economic Pressure but Now Is The Time to Plan What... -
FeaturesLloyd’s D&O Coverage an Issue in Stanford Fraud Case
Lloyd's of London has told a federal judge he should not allocate the... -
FeaturesLondon: International Insurance Center
Systems Changes, Technology, Talent Pool Position London Market for... -
FeaturesNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
Stability on Main Street "Property/casualty insurers have not asked... -
FeaturesIronman Kevin Kelley: Strength Through Multiple Platforms
Ironshore's CEO on Why He Left AIG and How He's Building His Young... -
FeaturesCut ‘n Run? What to Tell Customers Before They Slash Liability Coverage
Many Businesses Think Short-Term About Costs, Forgetting About... -
FeaturesLondon: International Insurance Center
Systems Changes, Technology, Talent Pool Position London Market for...