January 11, 2010
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Contractors/Subcontractors; Employment Practices Liability; 2010 Insurance Agents and Brokers Meetings and Conventions Directory
In this Issue
Business MovesBusiness Moves
PacWest Alliance, Shaw Group The Shaw Group of Eureka, Calif., and... -
FeaturesEast Meets West
The Hanover Group Expands Out West, Enters Agreement With OneBeacon... -
FeaturesArizona Mulls Shutting Insurance Fraud Unit
With a $2 billion state budget deficit looming, Arizona may become... -
FeaturesCalifornia Stamping Fee Increasing to 0.25%
The Executive Committee and the Stamping Committee approved an... -
People & PlacesPeople
Virginia-based specialty insurer Markel Corp. announced that its... -
Editor's NoteResolution Time
Happy New Year. It's time to rewind, re-evaluate how you did in 2009,... -
No Warren Buffett "The heart and soul of what insurance companies...
National Coverage
FeaturesSmall Businesses at Risk: A Growing Market for Employment Practices Liability Coverage
Small business owners are at risk from employment-related charges and... -
Closing QuoteThe Insurance Industry Wants You!
American-born poet, T.S. Eliot, did little to further the cause of... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
Minding Your BusinessTrends for 2010
Soft Market, Economy, Taxes and the Producer Dilemma on the... -
FeaturesMost Property Reinsurance Rates Down at January Renewal As Capital Rebounds
Reinsurance rates across most lines of property catastrophe business... -
FeaturesConstruction Specialists See Slow Recovery in 2010
Bright Spots for Commercial Contractors; Tough Times for Residential... -
FeaturesNegotiations Falter at UN’s Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change
The United Nations' Copenhagen Conference on Climate Change strained... -
FeaturesUneven Expectations
Economy to Recover in Some States Before Others The most recent...