January 25, 2010
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Excess, Surplus & Specialty Markets Directory, Vol. 1
In this Issue
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Towers Perrin, Watson Wyatt Towers Watson & Co. completed the merger... -
FeaturesLos Angeles Workers Face Higher Labor Violations
Low-wage workers in Los Angeles experience more wage and labor... -
FeaturesInsurance Surcharge Proposed to Fund Calif. Fire Suppression Efforts
California Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger has submitted to the... -
FeaturesCounties with Levees Are Some of the Nation’s Most Economically Sound, Report Says
Hundreds of levees around the United States protect vulnerable areas... -
People & PlacesPeople
Grange Insurance, based in Columbus, Ohio, named Robert V. James... -
FeaturesWashington to Tackle Credit Scoring, Streamline Agent/Broker Licensing
Bills to ban the use of credit scoring, streamline the licensing of... -
FeaturesLabor & Industries: Washington’s Workers’ Comp System Is Sound
Characterizations by a recent Washington State Auditor's report on... -
FeaturesSecurities Lawsuit Filings Decline in 2009
What a difference a year makes. Just 12 months ago, the subprime and... -
No Role in Non-Disclosure "We had no effective legal means to step in... -
FeaturesWill Gay Marriage Bring Marketing Opportunities for Agents?
The Market Is Huge, but Some Independents Say It's Difficult In... -
It FiguresIt Figures
20% Percentage of Oregonians who have earthquake insurance, according... -
Editor's NoteBecoming Chris Boggs
In October 2008, my colleague and friend, Christopher J. Boggs,...
National Coverage
Fraud RoundupInsurance Fraud Rises as State Bureaus’ Budgets Fall
State insurance fraud fighting bureaus are seeing a significant spike... -
FeaturesA.M. Best Reports Reinsurers See Orderly, But Soft, January Renewals
January renewals showed signs of softening as reinsurers benefited... -
Little Property Coverage "Haiti is the poorest country in the Western... -
FeaturesNew York Sees Promise in Own London-Like Market
But Skeptics Question Timing for Revival of U.S. Insurance Exchange A... -
FeaturesInsurers to Curb Agency Compensation in 2010, Ward Group Study Finds
Total property/casualty insurance agency compensation is expected to... -
FeaturesWhy Carriers Invest in Education
Carriers Say Benefits in Producer Sales Education Well Worth the... -
FeaturesEconomic Downturn Puts Pressure on Return-to-Work Programs
The recent recession and record unemployment rates have increased... -
FeaturesHow Rising Capital Gain Tax Rates Might Impact Tomorrow’s M&A Market
Agencies Contemplating Selling Soon Should Understand Their... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesInsurance Journal Founder, Publisher Enter Insurance Hall of Fame
The Insurance Media Association named Insurance Journal's Founder... -
FeaturesHow Small Group Partnerships Help Agencies to Grow Employee Benefits Revenue
Gibson Insurance Group, Bolton & Co. Tell Their Tales of Growth... -
FeaturesTragedy in Haiti; XL Moves to Ireland; NYC Exchange Doesn’t Worry London; WEF Prepares for Davos
The tragedy in Haiti is a reminder of how fragile life can be in... -
FeaturesGeithner Denies Role in Hiding AIG Payments to Banks
U.S. Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner said this month the bailout... -
Closing Quote5 Issues Agents Should Watch in 2010
With insurance agents across the nation breathing a sigh of relief... -
FeaturesYou Have Nothing to Sell But Fear Itself
Promoting Fear and Insurance in Troubled Times What do P/C producers... -
FeaturesSEC Order Keeps Some AIG Bailout Terms Sealed Until 2018
It could take until November 2018 to get the full story behind the...