April 5, 2010
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Directors & Officers Liability; Entertainment/Sports/Special Events; Group Products for P&C Agents/Benefits Brokerage Directory
In this Issue
FeaturesPinnacol Assurance Offers Colorado $330 Million to Become Private Insurer
Pinnacol Assurance, Colorado's quasi-governmental workers'... -
FeaturesPrivate Company Directors and Officers Coverage
Should It Be First on Your List Rather Than Last? But we are a... -
FeaturesProp. 17 Is a Bad Deal for California Motorists
California voters know all about private interest groups who use the... -
FeaturesWhen a House Is a Home … and a Museum
How One Insurance Agency Is Helping Preserve Historic Homes and... -
FeaturesWhen Main Street Met Washington
Agents Make Grassroots Lobbying Campaign Amid wind-whipped exhaust... -
FeaturesBest Practices in Marketing Communications
Remember that glossy brochure that took so much time, money and... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Arthur J. Gallagher, Winn & Co. Arthur J. Gallagher & Co. has... -
It FiguresIt Figures
20% Potential increase in a home's value if it is designed to be... -
FeaturesMaking Continuous Coverage Auto Insurance Discount Portable Is Good for Consumers
The Alliance of Insurance Agents & Brokers supports Proposition 17 on... -
FeaturesNew Insurance Association Forms in California
A new Broker Insurance Group (BIG) has formed in California, starting... -
Editor's NoteWhatcha Talkin’ About?
Some people — Diff'rent Strokes' Willis, perhaps (at least by... -
FeaturesP/C Insurers Can Handle Chinese Drywall Costs, Says Moody’s
Property/casualty insurers are expected to continue to handle costs... -
People & PlacesPeople
Novato, Calif.-based Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. named David Zona...
National Coverage
FeaturesMarsh Refuses to Accept Contingent Commissions
Insurance broker Marsh says its main brokerage unit will not accept... -
FeaturesFederal Flood Program Shuts Down for Weeks
As many feared, Congress adjourned until April 12 after failing to... -
FeaturesLessons in Insuring Skateparks and Other Extreme Sports Events
Specialization, Claims Management and Understanding the Risk Are Keys... -
FeaturesHospitality Risks: A Game for Captives
Why a Captive Solution Might Grow Your Hospitality Book, and Revenue... -
FeaturesHow P/C Agents Can Increase Sales through Employee Benefits
Broaden Your Agency's Reach Through Education and Marketing In... -
FeaturesAre Special Litigation Committee Expenses Covered Costs?
A Recurring D&O Coverage Issue Heats Up Among perennial directors... -
Closing QuoteThe Life of a Health Insurance Broker – Post Health Reform
The last couple of years have been challenging for the national... -
FeaturesU.S. Prosecutors Targeting Mid-Level, Senior Corporate Officers in Foreign Bribery Cases
Woodruff Sawyer's Amantea Advises Adding Specific D&O Endorsement... -
Minding Your BusinessTax Consequences on Perpetuation Planning
Why It May Be Worth Exploring Your Selling Options in 2010 Most... -
FeaturesStates Take Action Against Health Care Reform
Many U.S. states are worried that the health care overhaul plan... -
FeaturesNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
FeaturesD&O Coverage as a Partner in Crime (and Fidelity)
While high-profile crimes like Bernie Madoff's $65 billion Ponzi... -
FeaturesA Tale of Two Markets
What to Expect in the D&O Liability Renewal Market Your client's...