October 4, 2010
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Surplus Lines: State of the Market NAPSLO Issue; Lloyds Syndicate Spotlight; Risk Retention Group Directory
In this Issue
FeaturesWashington Workers’ Comp Rate Proposal Delayed
Washington's Department of Labor & Industries (L&I) announced that it... -
FeaturesCalifornia Modifies Privacy Regulations, Makes Insurance Shopping Easier
In what's being called "a major victory for insurance agents and... -
3.1% The Property Casualty Insurers Association of America's (PCI)... -
Calif. Rating Bureau Wants to Lower Recommended Workers' Comp Rate 2%... -
FeaturesBusiness Moves
Markel, Hiscox Insurer Markel acquired the rights to American Live... -
FeaturesColo. Fourmile Canyon Fire Most Expensive in State’s History
Insurance damage estimates from the Fourmile Canyon fire that burned... -
FeaturesTerminating Employment: It Doesn’t Have to Be Painful
Leaders likely have or at some point will need to make the decision... -
FeaturesA New Way To Reach Consumers
Fiesta Auto Insurance Combines Insurance and Tax Preparation Services... -
People & PlacesPeople
Salt Lake City-based The Buckner Co. named Mark A. Oligschlaeger... -
FeaturesFlood News
The good news is that the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has... -
FeaturesAgents to Calif. State Fund: Please Pay Commissions
Insurance agents and brokers want the California State Compensation... -
FeaturesWorker Theft
It's Usually One You Least Suspect It often starts with a trusted... -
FeaturesEligibility for Preferred Risk Flood Insurance Pricing to Be Extended
Since 2008, many homes and businesses in the United States have been... -
FeaturesFor Award Winning CSR, Going ‘Above and Beyond’ is Part of the Job
What does it take to deliver outstanding customer service? Kimberly... -
A Continuing Objective "Our objective remains the same at AIG, which... -
FeaturesCEA Aims to Improve Value, Affordability of Calif. Earthquake Insurance
Californians might have more reason to retrofit their homes to better...
National Coverage
FeaturesClock is Ticking on Surplus Lines Tax Reform
With Less Than a Year to Go, Can States Agree on Tax Sharing Plan?... -
FeaturesA Wonderful Life
McQueary Henry Bowles Troy Soars High With Faith, Texas Values and... -
FeaturesWhat’s In the NRRA?
Reporting, Payment, and Allocation of Premium Taxes: Only the home... -
FeaturesCaptive Audience Marketing in a Social Marketing World
Capture Your Prospect's Attention for More Than a Nanosecond Social... -
FeaturesHouse Joins Senate in Extending Flood Insurance for 1 Year
The U.S. Senate and the House of Representatives have both approved a... -
FeaturesAnother Gusher to Cap
New Taxes, Regulations and Red Tape Threaten Future of Small Business... -
FeaturesSpecialty Products Manufacturing: Multiple Opportunities for Injury
How Agents Can Help Clients Be Better Prepared and Mitigate Damages... -
Features6 Characteristics of the Best Agencies Today
Sales Focus, Employee Appreciation, Compensation and Planning All Key... -
FeaturesTop 25 Carriers’ Second Quarter Results Show Improvement in 2010 Versus Second Quarter 2009
Benjamin Franklin once said, "Without continual growth and progress,... -
FeaturesSurplus Lines Premiums Down in 2009; But Brokers Say Market is Stabilizing
The surplus lines industry continues to experience a decline in... -
FeaturesNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
Features16 Brokers to Use New Single-Entry Commercial Lines Insurance Exchange
Sixteen insurance brokerage firms have agreed to be the first to use... -
FeaturesSyndicates – The Heart of the Market
Catlin, and Other Lloyd's Syndicates As underwriters, syndicates are...