December 20, 2010
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
2011 Market Fact Book and Buyer's Guide; (including all 2010 Surveys in one convenient place!)
National Coverage
One way that agency owners can keep their employees happy in today's... -
New MarketsNew Markets
The following markets were selected from the MyNewMarkets database of... -
Features2010/2011 Buyer’s Guide
Welcome to Insurance Journal's 2nd annual Buyer's Guide, a tear-out... -
FeaturesFact or Fiction? Insurance Tidbits of Known and Little-Known Information
Have you ever wondered what big events helped shape regulation of the... -
FeaturesThe Agency Salary Blues
Independent agency salaries maintained or decreased slightly in 2009,... -
FeaturesReader’s Choice
Never lose sight of what the reader wants. That has been the motto... -
FeaturesCommercial Pricing Stays Flat, Management Liability Declines
Overall commercial insurance prices were flat for the seventh... -
FeaturesLessons Learned and Looking Ahead at Lloyd’s
December is often a time of reflection on what we've achieved, where... -
FeaturesTop 25 Carriers’ Q3 Premiums Rise Nearly 11.5% in 2010 Versus Q3 2009
Alexander Hamilton once said, "I never expect to see a perfect work... -
Diverse Ownership "Many new agencies are forming, typically with a... -
FeaturesMusic and Producer Development
How to Set the Tune for Sales Success in an Agency Great music... -
FeaturesIndependent Agency Population Holds Steady as Start-Ups Keep Pace with Mergers
The total number of independent agencies in the country remains... -
FeaturesTrustees Face Big Liability
Why Clients Need Errors and Omissions Coverage An attorney, family... -
FeaturesIt Figures
4,000 The number of independent agencies founded in 2008, 2009 or... -
FeaturesBusiness Moves
Ryan Specialty Group, Oakbridge R-T Specialty LLC, the wholesale... -
FeaturesYoung Agents Survey:
Why Young Agents Stand by Their Career Choice Most enter the... -
People & PlacesPeople
Insurance broker Marsh appointed Peter Mavraganis as U.S. leader of... -
FeaturesHow an E&O Claim Could Affect Agency Employee’s Career
Survey Finds Agencies Take a Second Look at Hiring Employees With...