May 2, 2011
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Workers' Comp. Report with Directory, Restaurants & Bars, Recreation & Leisure
In this Issue
FeaturesAgents: Tread Carefully When Providing Workplace Safety Advice
Woe to the employer who is not attentive and actively engaged in... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Zenith AgriBusiness Solutions In what appears to be its first foray... -
FeaturesCalif. Commissioner Seeks Stricter Penalty Powers
California Sen. Noreen Evans, D-District 2, has introduced... -
FeaturesCarefully Eye the 1BY
Before issuing a serious workplace citation, Cal/OSHA must meet and... -
Single Digit Growth "Assuming the economic recovery continues at a... -
FeaturesFacebook Firing Suit Settled
A settlement has been reached in the case of a Connecticut worker who... -
FeaturesHow to Find Cyber Insurance for the Uninsurable
The University of California (UC) has redefined the rules of cyber... -
Editor's NoteMitigation Consensus
The Griffith Insurance Education Foundation recently brought together... -
FeaturesPending State Legislation to Implement NRRA Is Fly in the Ointment
Pending state legislative proposals, such as California's AB 315,... -
People & PlacesPeople
Novato, Calif.-based Fireman's Fund Insurance Co. named Andrea James... -
FeaturesRising Seas Could Threaten 180 U.S. Cities by 2100
Rising seas spurred by climate change could threaten 180 U.S. coastal... -
FeaturesWash. Processing Producer Licenses Online
The Washington Office of the Insurance Commissioner has adopted new...
National Coverage
Features3 Ways Boat Insurance Can Help an Agency Increase Sales
Over the past few months, the boat industry has shown signs of life.... -
FeaturesBragging About an Agent’s Book of Business May Create a Greater Legal Duty of Care
It has often been said that every attorney has a little larceny in... -
Closing QuoteStop Letting Markets Dictate Agency Profits
The term marketplace denotes the terms under which your suppliers are... -
FeaturesDing! Dong! OSHA’s Calling
Every risk manager and business owner should be prepared for a visit... -
FeaturesDirect Premiums Written Drop for Top 50 Workers’ Comp Insurers
As of March 2011, the unemployment rate in the United States was... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: Exposures to Watch for When Insuring the Local Neighborhood Tavern Risk
While many towns might not have a hardware store or a dry cleaner,... -
Features100 Years of Relationships
Fourth Generation Family Owned Moreton & Co. Honors Traditional... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Recreational Market Detail: Shoemaker & Besser Associates Inc. offers... -
FeaturesOvercapacity in P/C Insurance Keeping Commercial Prices Down
Most commercial lines insurance prices continued their downward trend... -
FeaturesP/C Premium Growth Not Enough for Market Turnaround: Conning
The property/casualty insurance industry can expect premium growth of... -
FeaturesTop 10 U.S. Excess/Surplus Insurers
The top 10 U.S. excess and surplus lines carriers of 2010 based on... -
FeaturesWeb Exchange
InsuranceJournal.com Reader Poll Do you think P/C insurers, rating... -
FeaturesWhat Agents Need to Know About Recreational Insurance
Vehicles used for recreational purposes such as RVs or boats carry...