October 3, 2011
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Surplus Lines: State of the Market / NAPSLO Issue, Lloyd's Syndicate Spotlight, Agency Financial Products Directory (Banks, Funding, Capital for Acqui
In this Issue
FeaturesWriting Small Accounts Profitably
Someone once said: "Every agency should write small accounts because... -
FeaturesDriverless Car Navigates Berlin Streets
It can talk, see, drive and no longer needs a human being to control... -
FeaturesGoogle Secretive About ‘Super Safe’ Robot Car Crash
In July, an astute observer was driving in Mountain View, Calif.,... -
FeaturesInsurers Draw Distinctions Between Air Races and Airshows
With an 11th fatality declared as a result of the crash at the... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
McLarens, Washington Oregon Claim Service McLarens Young... -
FeaturesCalifornia City Taking Steps to Keep Its Insurance
La Puente, Calif. may be on the road to keeping its insurance,... -
FeaturesCalifornia’s ‘New’ MGA Yates: Having Fun, Going National
Hiring, Acquisitions, Scottish Flair On Tap for Yates, Says New CEO... -
FeaturesCalifornia Homeowners’ Suit Against Builders Revived
A federal appeals court revived a lawsuit by homeowners who accused... -
FeaturesFire Fatalities in Residential Buildings
Between 2007 and 2009, civilian fire casualties in residential... -
FeaturesMontana Court Approves $43 Million Asbestos Deal
A Montana judge has approved a $43 million settlement for people... -
FeaturesNew Tools for Fire Investigators
An arson investigation that led to a possible wrongful conviction and... -
Editor's NoteEntrepreneur-Think
An entrepreneurial mindset gives individuals a different perception... -
People & PlacesPeople
Swett & Crawford has opened a satellite office in Redondo Beach,... -
FeaturesPush for Ban on Trucker Cellphones
The U.S. government should ban truckers from using cellphones while... -
FeaturesSettlement Reached in 2007 Bay Bridge Oil Spill
A civil settlement in the 2007 oil spill in San Francisco Bay with...
National Coverage
New MarketsNew Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in... -
FeaturesWells Publishing to Launch New Claims Journal Magazine
Wells Publishing Inc. has plans to launch Claims Journal magazine, a... -
Features9 Years Later: Lloyd’s Chairman Peter Levene
Lord Peter Levene, chairman of Lloyd's, is leaving the company after... -
FeaturesAfter 30 Years, Bouhan Leaves NAPSLO
The National Association of Professional Surplus Lines Offices Ltd.... -
FeaturesAre You Among the Dying Breed?
Let's take a test. No, this is not a coverage analysis test or even a... -
FeaturesBrokers See Changing Relationships, Expanding Technology
At the same time they are trying to figure out what their customers,... -
Closing QuoteReflections on Recent Events and Implications for Catastrophe Risk Modeling
At the recent Rendez Vous de Monte Carlo there was a lot of... -
Minding Your BusinessThe Financial Side of Acquisitions
The merger and acquisition trend of agencies continues, despite the... -
FeaturesInsurance Risks of Business Travelers
Business travelers say there's no substitute for being there. Even... -
FeaturesInsurance Journal’s Newest Book
"Insurance is Not Risk Management! The Insurance Professional's Guide... -
FeaturesWarning: Insecticides Can Be More Dangerous Than Bedbugs
Bedbugs don't make people sick. But the poisons used to kill them... -
FeaturesWanted: Industry Seeks Out Specialty Marine Brokers
Two developments in the marine market have combined to create a... -
FeaturesSurplus Lines Industry Losing Its Edge?
The surplus lines industry continues to outperform the overall... -
FeaturesSupreme Court to Hear Federal Healthcare Mandate
The Obama administration cleared the way for the Supreme Court to... -
FeaturesSportscover: Providing Coverage for Sports and Leisure around the World
Sports and leisure activities are one of the most ubiquitous pass...