January 23, 2012
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Excess, Surplus & Specialty Markets Directory Vol. I
In this Issue
FeaturesBeyond Golf: P-U-T-T-E-R’s the Name of the Game in E&S World
Golf could be called the go-to sport of the insurance industry, so... -
FeaturesInsurance Exchanges Can Provide More than Just Market Access
A pair of industry experts espoused the benefits of insurance... -
Features2011 Was Busy Year for Firefighters in New Mexico
New Mexico may have more snow on the ground as it starts the new... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Bolton & Company, Pacific General Pasadena, Calif.-based Bolton &... -
Social Justice "Each circumstance is a little different, and this... -
FeaturesFamily Taking $350K in Vegas Missing Organs Claim
The family of a British commodities trader who died while partying in... -
FeaturesGround Shifting for Medical Liability Insurers: Moody’s
Although it comprises just over 2 percent of annual direct premiums... -
FeaturesHow Workers’ Comp Is Handling Aging Workforce
The aging workforce may not have the negative impact on loss costs... -
FeaturesInsurance Marketing New Basics: Go Mobile
Be careful if you ask Michael Jans, president of Bend, Ore.-based... -
Editor's NoteIn/Out of the Woods
We're not out of the woods yet — but things are starting to look... -
FeaturesOpponents of Arizona Law Seek Class-Action Status
A judge set an April 9 hearing for considering a request by opponents... -
People & PlacesPeople
John F. Finston has accepted an appointment to be deputy commissioner... -
FeaturesWestern Insurance Agents Roundtable: In Uncertain Economy, Change Is Certain
The economy, the promised-land of a hard insurance market and the... -
FeaturesWyoming Governor Backs Workplace Safety Recommendations
The state's occupational epidemiologist who spent a year studying the...
National Coverage
FeaturesE&O Insights: Why Your Agency Should Recommend Employment Practices Liability Coverage
Employment practices liability insurance (EPLI) has been around since... -
Features5 Strategies for P/C Insurers for 2012
The economic uncertainty that plagues buyers of insurance does not... -
FeaturesHow Retail, Wholesale Distribution Chains Are Changing to Justify Value, Purpose
Retail and wholesale brokers face the challenge — and opportunity... -
FeaturesReport: Liberty Mutual Failed in Bid to Buy Harleysville
It turns out there was another player in last year's merger deal... -
FeaturesDespite Heavy Catastrophe Losses, Top 25 P/C Insurers Report Premium Growth, Net Income Through Third-Quarter 2011
Amid the continued difficult economic conditions, a heightened... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in... -
FeaturesNew Global Risks Create Need for Expanded Directors & Officers Liability Program
The risk of lawsuits against senior executives has long been a major... -
FeaturesSix Things I Learned from Reading Steve Jobs Authorized Biography
The first lesson learned from Walter Issacson's best-selling... -
FeaturesWeb Exchange
IJ Video Highlights As the Market Turns, What Is Broker's Role? The...