February 6, 2012
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Main Street America: Insuring America's Small Businesses & Their Owners; Errors & Omissions; Nonprofits, Social Services & Public Entities
In this Issue
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Networked, LexisNexis Exchange Grass Valley, Calif.-based Networked... -
Cornerstone "You have to be smart about your marketing, and I think... -
FeaturesGoogle Captive in Hawaii on Track
Web search giant Google Inc. has been granted tentative approval from... -
FeaturesGroup to Push Idaho Liquor Vote, Grocers Back Off
A grocery lobbying organization won't advance a liquor privatization... -
FeaturesMuslim Guard Gets $465,000 in California Harassment Suit
A San Francisco, Calif., jury has awarded $465,000 to a Muslim... -
Editor's NotePR People
Email me your questions and I'll see if I can get them answered. If... -
People & PlacesPeople
Centennial, Colo.-based Colorado Casualty has named Lucas J. Bills as... -
FeaturesSan Francisco City Worker Charged With Data Theft
A former San Francisco city employee is facing charges that she stole... -
FeaturesUSDA Giving Arizona $5.2 Million in Disaster Funds
Arizona is set to get $5.2 million in disaster aid from the...
National Coverage
FeaturesProactive Risk Management of Intellectual Property: Crucial to the Insurance Professional’s E&O
Now more than ever, the insurance professional's ability to create a... -
FeaturesPublic Entity Insurance Isn’t Road Salt Or Fill Dirt
What to Consider When Evaluating Public Entity Insurance Programs... -
FeaturesTougher U.S. Commercial Market Conditions in 2012: Marsh
U.S. commercial insurance rates are expected to climb across many... -
FeaturesU.S. Offers Small Businesses Free Cyber Security Tool
The U.S. government is making it easier for small businesses to beef... -
FeaturesWhat to Know About Public Entity Self-Insured Retention Programs
Public entities across the nation must professionally manage the... -
FeaturesWhen Main Street Meets the Cloud
Small Business Risks to Consider When Accessing Technology for Growth... -
Closing QuoteHave Insurers Lost the Capacity to Run an Underwriting Profit?
We frequently hear people ask, "When is the next hard market going to... -
FeaturesConning: P/C Premiums to Grow 3% to 4% in 2012
Property/casualty insurers are facing a difficult environment in... -
FeaturesEmployment Bias Complaints Against Private Sector at All-Time High: EEOC
Employment discrimination complaints against private sector employers... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: Use Caution When Moving a Customer From a Claims-Made to an Occurrence Form
From time to time, an account is moved from one form of insurance to... -
FeaturesHow to Maximize Producer Talent
With many challenges facing the insurance industry — such as... -
FeaturesFive Startup Businesses Agents Should Watch
It hasn't been the best of times for America's Main Street... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in... -
FeaturesNonprofits Show Job Growth Despite Decade of Turmoil
Defying two recessions, the nonprofit sector posted a remarkable...