November 5, 2012
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Focus on Professional Liability / PLUS; Habitational / Dwellings; Agents' E&O Survey; Bonus: Free Ad Readership Study ($2500 Value); Bonus: The INDIANA Issue (Special Supplement)
In this Issue
FeaturesSurplus Lines: Regulators Vetting of Alien Nonadmitted Insurers
The National Association of Insurance Commissioners (NAIC) acts as... -
FeaturesProperty Crimes Rose 11 Percent in 2011
The government says the number of violent crimes rose by 18 percent... -
Features41 Percent of Intentionally Set Residential Fires Occur in Vacant Buildings
An estimated 16,800 intentionally set fires in residential buildings... -
FeaturesUsing Life Insurance Policy Reviews to Improve Customer Retention
Clients value advisors who look out for their interests. They... -
FeaturesWhat’s New in Staged Auto Accident Scams
Swoop and squat, drive-down and panic stop are examples of staged... -
FeaturesProperty Crimes Rose 11 Percent in 2011
The government says the number of violent crimes rose by 18 percent... -
FeaturesRebounding Economy Spurs Growth in Cargo, Supply Chain Risks
A slow trend toward economic recovery in the United States may mean... -
Editor's NoteTrends
It's interesting to see what's on people's minds as potential... -
FeaturesWill Regulatory Reform Trigger Doomsday for Captives?
If you're startled by this headline, you're not alone. Until... -
FeaturesSurvey: One-fourth of Nevada Drivers Use Hand-Held Phones
A statewide survey shows 27 percent of Nevadans still use hand-held... -
FeaturesReport: FDA Needs New Authority Over Compounding Pharmacies
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration's power to regulate compounded... -
Features‘Big One’ Looms in Minds of Experts Before California ShakeOut
A day before more than 9 million people in California took part in a... -
FeaturesAlaska Setting for Japanese Documentary on Tsunami
A Japanese broadcasting group has been filming a documentary about... -
Features9.4 M Drop, Cover And Hold On
More than 9.4 million Californians reportedly practiced the "Drop,... -
FeaturesLawsuit Over Fatal Washington Goat Attack Dismissed
A judge has dismissed a widow's lawsuit against the federal... -
DeclarationsDeclarations – West
Healthcare Challenge "This challenging environment increases the... -
People & PlacesPeople – West
The Leavitt Group promoted Mark Niebuhr to senior vice president over...
National Coverage
FeaturesWhat’s Ahead in Agency E&O
Competition, Hard Market, Healthcare Effects and More E&O Suits by... -
Features4 Tips for Agency E&O
Below are four agency E&O tips, taken from Chris Burand's E&O Blog... -
Closing QuoteThe Arbitration Trap
For decades now, your company has reinsured a substantial portion of... -
FeaturesHospital, Physician Professional Liability Undergoing Change: Aon
The way health care is delivered and financed is undergoing major... -
FeaturesClosing the Liability Gap
Underserved Fiduciary Market Creates Rich Opportunities for Agents... -
Idea Exchange8 Rules for Family Run Businesses
Family businesses can be a blessing or a disaster. The root of a... -
FeaturesEssentials: The Risk Landscape of Cyberspace
William Gibson coined the phrase "cyberspace" in his popular science... -
FeaturesTrade Sanctions and Risk Management
Understanding Economic Sanctions and Regulation When Doing Business... -
FeaturesQ2 Direct Premium Written Up Nearly 5% for P/C Companies
Overall, property/casualty insurance companies continued to serve... -
FeaturesNew Program Offers Tenant Protection for Rental Property Owners
OSC, an insurance and risk management services and products provider...