April 22, 2013
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Top 50 Apps for Insurance Agents; Entertainment, Sports & Special Events; Directors & Officers Liability
In this Issue
FeaturesNew Mexico Governor Signs Space Travel Liability Bill
New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez has signed into law liability-waiving... -
FeaturesCourt: California City May Proceed With Bankruptcy
A U.S. federal judge in April approved the city of Stockton's... -
FeaturesReport: 1 in 5 California Citizens Lives in Flood Zone
California is suffering from one of its driest winters on record, but... -
FeaturesBuilding Updates: Aging HVAC and Roofing Systems
The Agent's Role as Advisor and Risk Manager Editor's note: This is... -
FeaturesIICF Aids Shelter and Homeless Center
Bryan A. Anderson (right), senior vice president and regional manager... -
FeaturesPossible Resurgence in California’s Inland Empire Interests Agents
Known as "the 909," or "the IE" by Southern Californians, terms... -
People & PlacesPeople – West
Jessica Word has been named president of Word & Brown General Agency.... -
DeclarationsDeclarations – West
Bad Shrooms "Mushrooms were growing from behind my dishwasher. My...
National Coverage
Features50 Top Apps For Independent Agents
Mobility technology is changing the way the insurance industry... -
Editor's NoteArmed and Growing
Guns are big business. Just ask some insurance brokers. According to... -
Growing Your Property Casualty Agency7 Ways for Independent Agents to Recover Lost Policies
Independent agents have a nearly endless supply of suspects to... -
Minding Your BusinessPlanning for Uncertainty
The traditional business plan includes short-term and long-term... -
FeaturesMayhem Rules Insurance Journal’s Mascot March Madness
The scrappy underdog from South & Western General Agency of Texas... -
FeaturesThe New Insurance Realities of the Live Event Industry
The increasing frequency of live event structural failures and tragic... -
Features19 States Approve ISO’s Telematics-Based Auto Rating Tool
ISO has filed its first vehicle telematics-based rating rule with... -
FeaturesW.R. Berkley Corp. Divests, Connecticut Bank Acquires InsurBanc
InsurBanc, a federal savings bank founded by the Independent... -
FeaturesRates Should Rise Moderately for Most Commercial Lines
Commercial insurance buyers in all product lines should see rates... -
FeaturesCommercial Rates Continued Up in March, Even for Large Accounts: MarketScout
Commercial insurance rates were up about 5 percent in March,... -
FeaturesGuns and Insurance
We are going to have both. Millions of gun owners will keep their... -
FeaturesMerger & Acquisition Activity Off to a Quiet Start
After a record-setting year-end, 2013 started off with a whisper.... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: Directors & Officers Liability Is Not Your Normal Insurance Product
If you asked 100 insurance professionals on the agency side what one... -
Features10-Point Checklist for DO Renewals in a Hard Market
No one, least of all the insured, likes a price increase. But with... -
Features10 Things to Know About the Trucking Industry
In 2012, intermodal container volumes rose by 5.9 percent over the... -
FeaturesReworked Workers’ Compensation Formula Lowers Premiums
A reworking of a key piece of the workers' compensation rating... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Bringing Market Seekers and Market Providers Together Find markets in... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Tower Group, Canopius Tower Group Inc. closed its merger with...