March 10, 2014
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Hospitality Risks Directory; Homeowners & Auto; Directors & Officers Liability
In this Issue
FeaturesSouthern California Edison Sued Over $140,000 Pot Power Bill
Two women are suing Southern California Edison, claiming their... -
FeaturesCalifornia High Court Assigns Liability in Liquor Cases
California's high court has ruled that hosts who charge admission to... -
FeaturesCalifornia Farmers Hire Dowsers to Find Water
With California in the grips of drought, farmers throughout the state... -
FeaturesReport Projects L.A.’s Vulnerability to Future Sea Level Rise
Los Angelenos may expect to experience sea level rise of as much as... -
FeaturesStudy: Grandpa and Grandma Much Safer Behind the Wheel
Safety researchers expressed concern a decade ago that traffic... -
FeaturesFormer California State Fund Executive Fined for Conflict of Interest
A former top executive at California's State Compensation Insurance... -
FeaturesCWCI and WCIRB: SB 863 Lowered Surgical Center Payments in California
Average facility fee payments to ambulatory surgery centers fell 26... -
FeaturesCalifornia Almond Farmers Face Tough Choices Amid Drought
With California's agricultural heartland entrenched in drought,... -
FeaturesIdaho House Backs New Legal Shield for Ski Areas
House members voted in late February 61-8 to give Idaho ski areas... -
FeaturesOregon Restaurant Sued Over Mashed Potatoes
A man who says he broke two teeth when he bit into some mashed... -
People & PlacesPeople – West
The Leavitt Group has hired Jim Lineweaver, a client advisor, in its...
National Coverage
Cover StoryBrewing Boom
Microbrewers Make Their Mark The craft beer industry has been... -
Editor's NoteEating establishments that serve alcohol as well as Put a Woman in Charge
The key to long-term survival for many businesses is having a woman... -
Idea ExchangeInsurance Company Stability
Many years ago, a well-known insurance company went from being highly... -
Closing QuoteIn the Sharing Economy, Who Shares the Risk?
Several economic and societal factors have fueled the growth of the... -
FeaturesHospitality Workers’ Compensation Insurance Costs and Solutions
The worst kind of pain is self-inflicted pain. A large majority of... -
Tech TalkThe Upcoming Windows XP Apocalypse
The end of the world is coming. The world of Windows XP that is. A... -
FeaturesLabor Study Shows P/C Insurers Plan to Hire, Grow Significantly
More than half of all insurance companies say they plan to increase... -
FeaturesCarriers Committed to D&O Segment
Several turbulent years of increased claims, more regulation and... -
FeaturesTony Markel Leads City of Hope Fund Raising Effort
Tony Markel was recently honored for his work on a national campaign... -
Features10 Things to Know About Home & Auto
New Jersey is the most expensive state for auto insurance where the... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: Put the Power of the Signed Application to Work
With few exceptions, an application is a necessary document to secure... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
AssuredPartners, Bateman Agency Lake Mary, Fla.-based AssuredPartners...