December 1, 2014
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Program Directory, Volume II
In this Issue
FeaturesLargest Dividend Paid by Montana Workers’ Comp Fund
Many Montana businesses will share a $20 million windfall from the... -
FeaturesExperts: Eastern Colorado Wildfires Likely to Start on Private Lands
Fires ignited on private lands pose the most significant wildfire... -
People & PlacesPeople – West
Idaho Department of Insurance Director Bill Deal announced he is... -
FeaturesCalifornia Insurance Department Ready to Review TNC Policies
California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones said last month his... -
FeaturesCalifornia Auto Insurance Fraud Sweep Nets Nearly 200
Detectives from the California Department of Insurance assisted by...
National Coverage
FeaturesHow to Become the Most Effective Salesperson
One seminar leader opened a workshop for property/casualty insurance... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Arthur J. Gallagher, The Titan Group, The Forker Co., SGB-NIA... -
FeaturesWorld’s Top 15 Commercial Lines Brokers Write 43% of Business: Finaccord
The world's top 15 insurance brokers write more than 43 percent of... -
FeaturesSecurity in the Aftermath of a Tragedy: The Need for a Business Succession Plan
Starting a business is, statistically, a risky enterprise. The vast... -
FeaturesA New Year, A New Congress
Looking ahead to the next Congress, the Dodd-Frank Act faces renewed... -
FeaturesAgency Groups Give Independent Insurance Agents ‘Big Agency’ Edge
Some believe the independent insurance agent may soon be on the... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
Features10 things to Know About Winter Risk
Standard homeowners and renters policies cover winter-related... -
FeaturesSmall Business Insurance Market Primed for Consolidation
If heavy competition breeds consolidation, then the property/casualty... -
FeaturesWhat to Ask Before Joining an Agency Group
Premium Aggregation How is contingency revenue shared? How is... -
No Hesitation "If there is real evidence or a directive from (the... -
Features2014 State Specialist P/C Insurers Revealed
The Demotech Company Classification System categorizes insurers into... -
FeaturesMad Hatters & Agency Owners
Obviously the title is a take-off from the classic Joe Cocker... -
Editor's NoteAgency E&O Culture
Now more than ever agents are stepping up to the plate to protect... -
FeaturesProgram Market a Target for Expansion, Good & Bad
Market Outpacing Overall P/C Industry The program insurance business... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: Where Is Your Agency in the ‘E&O Marathon?’
There are similarities between deciding to run a marathon and...