June 15, 2015
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Umbrellas - Personal & Commercial; Construction; Medical Professional Liability
In this Issue
Features$4M Fire-Prevention Grant Ignites Passions in Northern California
City officials accepted a $4 million federal grant to chop down trees... -
FeaturesCalifornia Bill Would Intercept Insurance Claims to Fund Child Support
California lawmakers advanced a bill that would intercept more... -
FeaturesOregon Woman Hit by Errant Golf Ball Sues Course
A California woman and her husband seek $900,000 in a lawsuit... -
FeaturesNevada Governor Signs Bills Authorizing Ridesharing Companies
Gov. Brian Sandoval has signed two bills to regulate ridesharing... -
FeaturesFormer Railway Workers File Asbestos Suit Against BNSF in Oregon
Three former employees have sued BNSF Railway, claiming they suffer... -
FeaturesFirst Major California Insurer to Offer Ridesharing Endorsement
Farmers became the first large California insurer to start offering a... -
FeaturesArizona Court Ruling on Marijuana DUI Not Retroactive
An Arizona court has ruled that a previous decision on driving under... -
FeaturesEffective Wildfire Prevention Hampered by Liability, Weather, Development
Forest managers would prefer to use prescribed burns every few years... -
People & PlacesPeople – West
Swiss Re Corporate Solutions has named Jennifer Knox to its North... -
FeaturesWomen Impaled by Coffee Presses Sue Companies in Oregon
A lawsuit has been filed on behalf of two women who say their hands... -
FeaturesCalifornia Assembly Advances Earthquake Safety Bills
The California Assembly is advancing a pair of bills designed to help...
National Coverage
FeaturesNew Survey Identifies Opportunities for Carrier-Agent Marketing
Most independent insurance agents are interested in adding new... -
Uncharted Territory "Losing the qualification to self-bond and... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: When Should You Offer an Umbrella?
If one were to ask an agency how many of its personal and commercial... -
FeaturesThe $6 Billion Medical Liability Epidemic: Data Breaches
Cybercriminals are out to get the healthcare industry. Healthcare... -
FeaturesP/C Carriers Responding to Commercial Drone Interest
Property/casualty insurers have responded positively to the soaring... -
Minding Your BusinessStop Selling Like It’s 1985
There is a video on YouTube by Jim Muehlhausen of CEO Focus called... -
FeaturesFor P/C Insurers, 2014 Was Better Than Average Year
Analysts who predicted the U.S. property/casualty industry would have... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
FeaturesFEMA Reconsidering Private Insurers’ Role in Flood Insurance
Federal officials have agreed to consider a proposal calling for an... -
FeaturesTop 5 Issues in Business Interruption Insurance
The high costs related to business interruption should provide an... -
FeaturesCalculating Business Interruption Losses
Insurance broker Beecher Carlson has launched a cloud-based... -
Editor's NotePlaying It Safe
Feeling old? Risk-averse? You're not alone. It's been 46 years since... -
FeaturesHow Wearable Devices Could Interrupt the Insurance Industry
Nearly 50 years after Captain Kirk began using his wrist communicator... -
FeaturesTexas Case Highlights Tensions Over Telemedicine
A federal judge has determined claims made by the Texas Medical Board... -
FeaturesP/C Direct Premium Written Up 4.5 Percent
Direct premium written (DPW) for property/casualty insurance... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Marsh & McLennan Agency, MHBT Marsh & McLennan Agency LLC (MMA), a... -
Features10 Things to Know About Personal & Commercial Umbrella
A personal umbrella provides an additional layer of liability... -
Growing Your Property Casualty AgencyHow Well Do Your Producers and CSRs Really Get Along?
To foster growth, property/casualty agency managers need to actively... -
FeaturesISO Drone Insurance Endorsements Available in Most States
ISO's new coverage and exclusion options for commercial drones have... -
FeaturesWhere and How Breaches Occur
Between 2010 and 2013, there were more than 900 data breaches of... -
FeaturesMedical Malpractice Payouts Continue to Climb in U.S.
For the second consecutive year, medical malpractice payouts in 2014... -
FeaturesAdditional Insured Endorsements in Construction
To get on a job, contractors often have to show proof of insurance... -
FeaturesIt’s Time for Congress to Prepare for Hurricane Season
Thousands of Americans have been working to prepare their homes and...