July 6, 2015
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
The Disaster Issue: Insuring Natural & Man-Made Catastrophes; Commercial Auto (including Taxis, Limos & Fleets); Digital Product Guide
In this Issue
FeaturesNevada Governor Wants Officials to Support Self-Driving Cars
Nevada Gov. Brian Sandoval voiced his support for self-driving cars.... -
FeaturesFarmers Introduces Rideshare Coverage in Utah
Farmers Insurance has launched what is believed to be the state's... -
Features7 in California and Washington Charged with 100+ Counts of Auto Insurance Fraud
Seven people in California and Washington were arrested for allegedly... -
FeaturesCalifornia Funds Incentives for Earthquake Protection
When California Gov. Jerry Brown signed the 2015-2016 budget, it... -
FeaturesMontana Court Rules Using Inhalants Can Lead to DUI Charge
A motorist can be charged and convicted of driving under the... -
FeaturesWildfire Report Shows 2 Million California Homes at Risk as Drought Continues
A report issued in June shows California has more than 2 million... -
People & PlacesPeople – West
Monterey, Calif.-based Capital Insurance Group has named Andrew Doll...
National Coverage
FeaturesHow Hurricane Katrina Changed Business Preparation Planning for Disasters
Nearly 10 years ago, wind and storm surges as a result of Hurricane... -
Closing QuoteThe New Normal in EPLI
It's been interesting to watch the growth of employment practices... -
Features10 Things to Know About Insuring Taxis & Limos
Taxi operators are required to have commercial insurance that... -
Editor's NoteData Breach and Suppliers
With some four-out-of-10 mid-sized businesses having had a cyber... -
FeaturesHow Supreme Court Gay Marriage Ruling Affects Employee Benefit Plans
Following the historic Supreme Court decision that same-sex couples... -
FeaturesBusiness Income: Why Worksheets Alone Don’t Work
Predicting the impact of a catastrophic event on an organization's... -
FeaturesWhere Did NFIP’s Debt Come From?
Studying how the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) became more... -
Montana Microcosm "What we are seeing in Montana is a reflection of... -
FeaturesHow to Prioritize ‘Going Digital’ in a Digital Age
Going digital for any agency may seem overwhelming, however experts... -
FeaturesSupreme Court Opinion to Have No Effect on Health Insurers: S&P
The Supreme Court opinion upholding current tax subsidies under the... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Patriot National, Brandywine Fort Lauderdale, Fla.-based Patriot... -
FeaturesE&O Insights: Will Your Files Help or Hurt You in a Disaster?
Typically, there's not much warning when a disaster strikes. No one... -
FeaturesP/C Direct Premium Written Up Nearly 4 Percent
Direct premium written (DPW) for property/casualty insurance... -
FeaturesCrop Insurance Payments for Drought More Than for Flooding
Farmers are reaping higher yields and ranchers' feed costs have... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
FeaturesThe Age of Big Data and Agencies – Not
This is the age of big data. The concept is to collect all kinds of... -
FeaturesFlood Insurance Claims Underpayments Not Widespread: Senate Study
The U.S. government's appeals process for reviewing flood insurance... -
FeaturesPlugging the Hole in the U.S. Flood Market: How Risk Modelers Can Help to De-Risk the NFIP
The National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP) has long been the... -
Features‘Seismicity’: Re/insurers Ponder the Impact of Human-Caused Earthquakes
Earthquakes, the natural kind caused by the movements of vast...