December 7, 2015
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Program Directory, Volume II
In this Issue
FeaturesWorkers’ Comp Hearing Rep. in California Caught Cashing Dead Client’s Settlement
A California workers' compensation hearing representative was... -
FeaturesInvestigation Launched into Workers’ Comp Services Provider BBSI
A financial investigation was launched in mid-November into Barrett... -
FeaturesOfficial Files $123K Claim Following Arizona University Mascot Pounce
A suburban Phoenix official filed a claim against Arizona State... -
People & PlacesPeople – West
Charlie Rosson, CEO of San Francisco, Calif.-based Woodruff-Sawyer... -
FeaturesThree California Men File Suits After E-Cigarette Batteries Explode
Three California men have filed lawsuits against manufacturers,... -
FeaturesVolunteer Beaten at Oregon Women’s Shelter Seeks $675K
A volunteer seeks $675,000 in a lawsuit against the Gospel Rescue... -
FeaturesCalifornia Worker Injury Rate Lowest in 13 Years
The California Department of Industrial Relation's 2014 occupational... -
FeaturesJury in Washington Awards $21.5M to Man Hurt by Cruise Ship Door
A federal jury in Seattle, Wash., has awarded $21.5 million in... -
FeaturesReport: Workers’ Comp Reform Saving California’s System $770M Annually
The Workers' Compensation Insurance Rating Bureau in mid-November...
National Coverage
Features10 Things to Know About Aviation
Underwriters at Lloyd's wrote the earliest aviation insurance policy... -
FeaturesCyber Security: Insurance as an Essential Part of Risk Management
The cost and frequency of cyber-related security threats are on the... -
FeaturesToy Drones Are Serious Risk to Aircraft: Aerospace Firm
Toy drones can be dangerous and costly to the aerospace industry and... -
FeaturesCyber, Property Risks Not Easily Separated: Security Expert
The property/casualty insurance industry must change its approach to... -
Editor's NoteHealth Care Costs
Open enrollment – the time of year that many employees and... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Endurance, W. Brown Associates Endurance Specialty Holdings Ltd., a... -
FeaturesYear End Agency Review
The holiday season is upon us. People are busy shopping, celebrating... -
FeaturesCognitive Distortion: Agency Sales Leaders & Producer Worth
Have you ever been guilty of saying something to someone and they... -
Closing QuoteRisks of the Game
Race cars crash sending debris into the stands. Stronger and bigger... -
FeaturesWhy Specialist Brokers Need to Become Content Marketers
If you're only an occasional consumer of marketing advice, you might... -
FeaturesEmerging Markets Serve as Growth Engines for Industry: Swiss Re
The global economy is expected to strengthen moderately next year,... -
FeaturesInsurance Company Profitability
The past 10 years has been incredibly profitable for insurance... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister... -
FeaturesHow Programs Address Emerging Risks
Specialists in the program business segment agree – this is a good... -
FeaturesStudy Says Telematics Use Changing Drivers’ Behavior
Telematics devices offered by auto insurers appear to working to... -
Features2015 State Specialist P/C Insurers Revealed
The Demotech Company Classification System categorizes insurers into... -
FeaturesProgram Business Revenue Doubles in 5 Years
Data Management, Technology Present Future Challenges and... -
Accountable Learning "A system of no accountability is certainly not... -
FeaturesTop Cyber Threats for 2016 and Next Five Years
Businesses and organizations should expect cyber criminals to attack...