March 21, 2016
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Hot New Markets; Directors & Officers Liability; Corporate Profiles
In this Issue
FeaturesWashington Commissioner Fines Insurance Professionals $17K
Wasington Insurance Commissioner Mike Kreidler took enforcement... -
FeaturesCalifornia Bill Would Enable Independent Contractors to Unionize
A longshot proposal introduced in mid-March would make California the... -
FeaturesU.S. Chamber Files Suit against Seattle over Uber, Lyft Ordinance
The U.S. Chamber of Commerce is suing the city of Seattle over an... -
FeaturesFormer California Agent Admits to Embezzling from Clients
Julie Diane Shinar, 44, of Long Beach, Calif., was convicted of theft... -
People & PlacesPeople – West
EPIC Insurance Brokers & Consultants has hired Steve Hall as a... -
FeaturesClaims for Broker Negligence Assignable
A California intermediate appellate court has reaffirmed that a... -
FeaturesNew Mexico Governor Signs Ridesharing Bill
New Mexico Gov. Susana Martinez arrived earlier this month in her...
National Coverage
Closing QuoteWhy Companies Won’t be Opting Out of Opt-Out Anytime Soon
A recent ruling by the Oklahoma Workers' Compensation Court... -
Tech TalkThe Missing Link of an Agent’s Digital Proficiency
When the Internet was still in its infancy, independent agents needed... -
Minding Your BusinessAgency Performance Enhancement with the Power of Habit
Imagine the effect on owners, managers, producers and staff if they... -
FeaturesHow Technology May Alter Small Commercial Lines Advantage
As more small business owners become comfortable buying everything... -
Growing Your Property Casualty Agency6 Ways to Differentiate Your Agency from Internet Marketers
It's self-defeating to believe that the independent agency universe... -
Intrinsic Elements "Cleanliness and food safety are 'intrinsic... -
FeaturesD&O Marketplace Continues to See Softening Rates
The directors and officers (D&O) liability marketplace continues to... -
Cover StoryHOT Markets: Drones, Cyber and More
Looking for new sales and opportunities in 2016? Here are a few of... -
Features10 Things to Know About Product Recall
The food and beverage sector continues to see pressure on pricing of... -
FeaturesSteps to Prepare for the Worst and Best Outcome in Recalls
Product recalls are on the rise. Last quarter alone, there were... -
FeaturesThe Search for Innovative Talent: Decoding the Secret of an Adaptable Workforce
The insurance industry has entered an era of rapid change and... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Risk Strategies, Lester Brokerage Risk Strategies Co., a privately... -
Editor's NotePedestrian Traffic Fatalities Rise
The number of pedestrians killed in traffic accidents is expected to... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
My New Markets is brought to you by Insurance Journal's sister...