December 5, 2016
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Program Directory, Volume II
In this Issue
Features2 Men File Sex Abuse Lawsuits against Boy Scouts In Oregon
Two Oregon men have filed sexual abuse lawsuits against the Boy... -
FeaturesU.S. Rule Requires Sound Alerts on Quiet Electric, Hybrid Cars
The U.S. government has finalized long-delayed rules that will... -
FeaturesAlaska Jury Deadlocked in Family’s Lawsuit Against Tobacco Company
After more than three weeks, a Bethel Superior Court jury could not... -
FeaturesWhat Hobbyists Should Know About Drone Insurance
If a drone is on your holiday shopping list, be sure to check your... -
FeaturesDIR: California Independent Medical Review Shows Improvements
A California Department of Industrial Relations progress report shows... -
FeaturesJones: Undocumented License Law in California May Have Led to UM Drop
A California law that provided driver's licenses to those who could... -
FeaturesFelony Charges for California Pair in $250K Classic Car Claim
Two people from California were arrested on a scheme allegedly...
National Coverage
Editor's NoteTeens and Distracted Driving: Get the Message Campaigns
Driving my children to school each morning it's hard not to notice... -
Idea ExchangeThe New OSHA Rules = No Secrets
On May 12, 2016, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration... -
FeaturesHow Challenges Create Opportunity in Program Business
Today's program administrators continue to face plenty of challenges,... -
Criminal Defense "You can't fire somebody because they refused to... -
Features2016 State Specialist P/C Insurers Revealed: Demotech
The Demotech Company Classification System categorizes insurers into... -
FeaturesReinsurers See Rate Stabilization on the Horizon
North American reinsurers may soon see some rate stabilization after... -
FeaturesACA Does Not Hurt Medical Care Access for Workers’ Comp Claimants: Study
New research has found that while the Patient Protection and... -
Closing QuoteCould POTUS Battle Trigger More Discrimination Suits?
Regardless of one's political leaning, the 2016 presidential election... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
On-Hook Coverage Market Detail: NationsBuilders Insurance Services... -
Features8 Things to Know About Programs
A program is defined as an insurance product targeted to a particular... -
FeaturesACORD CEO Pieroni on the Industry’s Digital Transformation
Bill Pieroni, CEO of ACORD, is on a mission -- not to "push" the... -
FeaturesThe Competitive Advantage: Agency Owners of Yesterday and Today
When I began my career, many agency owners I met had founded their... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
BrickStreet Mutual, Motorists Mutual BrickStreet Mutual Insurance and... -
Idea ExchangeMinding Your Business: Producer Compensation – What’s New Today?
Designing a good and motivating producer compensation model does not...