June 18, 2018
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Construction Market & Risks Report; Markets: Umbrellas (Personal & Commercial)
In this Issue
Idea ExchangeBonding with California’s Autonomous Vehicle Testing and Deployment Regs
A new legislative framework for autonomous vehicle testing and... -
FeaturesDriver Had Hands off Wheel in Fatal Tesla Autopilot Crash
The driver of a Tesla Inc. Model X car using Autopilot did not have... -
FeaturesI.I.I. on How Insurance Boosts Economy, Communities and Innovation
While consumers understand insurance as protection against financial... -
FeaturesCalifornia State Fund Says It Reduced Opioid Prescriptions by 60%
California's State Compensation Insurance Fund is reporting a... -
FeaturesLawsuit Filed Against Hawaiian Restaurant Chain After Data Breach
Two people have filed a class-action lawsuit against Hawaii... -
FeaturesNevada Motorists Face July 1 Auto Insurance Rate Increase
Nevada state officials are reminding as many as 600,000 vehicle... -
FeaturesOSHA Seeking $65K in Penalties in Colorado Envirotech Worker Death
Federal regulators are proposing nearly $65,000 in penalties for a... -
FeaturesOpioid Maker Wants Alaska Lawsuit Dismissed
An attorney for Purdue Pharma, the company that makes the... -
FeaturesCalifornia’s First Cannabis Business Owners Policy Approved
California Insurance Commissioner Dave Jones has approved the first... -
FeaturesDigital Workers’ Comp Agency Pie Insurance Enters 3 More States
Digital agency Pie Insurance has begun selling its low-cost small... -
FeaturesJ.D. Power: Why Lemonade’s Policy 2.0 Matters
Recently insurtech start-up Lemonade launched a product initiative... -
People & PlacesPeople
EPIC Insurance Brokers and Consultants has added risk management and...
National Coverage
Cover StoriesKeeping Up With Construction Insurance
Brokers who specialize in the construction industry love their... -
Editor's Note24/7 Tech: Not Normal or Healthy
In an "always on" society - where we constantly carry mini-computers... -
Idea ExchangeInsider Viewpoint: How Contractors’ Use of Digital Surveillance Enhances Quality While Reducing Defect Litigation
In the quality assurance world, the days of clipboards, pencils and... -
Idea ExchangeBecoming a Socially Responsible Agency
Social responsibility is becoming increasingly important to all... -
Idea ExchangeHow Agency Partnerships Help Agencies at a Crossroad
Even as they look back on several years of steady growth and success,... -
Closing Quote3 Reasons Your Clients Need to Buy Personal Umbrella
There are at least three reasons for an individual to buy a personal... -
FeaturesCommercial Insurance Prices Increase First Time in 3 Years
Commercial insurance prices in the U.S. increased modestly in the... -
FeaturesGlobal Commercial Insurance Market to Grow $170B in P/C Premium By 2021: Aon Inpoint
Global commercial property/casualty insurance premiums were worth... -
FeaturesNearly One-Third of Workers’ Comp Claim Payments Due to Construction Falls
Over the past five years, Nationwide processed more than 10,000... -
FeaturesInsurtech Investments Hit New High in Q1: Willis Towers Watson
Insurtech investment deals reached a new high in the 2018 first... -
FeaturesMajor Growth Plans Ahead for Schinnerer Group – Now Rebranded as ‘Victor’
Big changes are ahead at The Schinnerer Group, a managing general... -
FeaturesPersonal Cyber Insurance-Security Packages Being Tested with Wealthy
Insurance is supposed to make you feel safe, but even those who sell... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Bakers Insurance Market Detail: Food Liability Insurance Program's... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
Kemper, Infinity Kemper Corp. and Infinity Property and Casualty... -
Pesticide Safety "EPA's indefinite suspension of critical pesticide...