August 6, 2018
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Top 100 P/C Agencies; Markets: Recreation & Leisure, Homeowners & Condos
In this Issue
Idea ExchangeHow Surety Bonds Are Covering California’s Cannabis Industry
As the cannabis industry fights for legitimacy across the United... -
Idea ExchangeFive Takeaways from California’s Watershed Privacy Law
California recently enacted a sweeping new privacy law, the... -
FeaturesLyft to Beef Up Background Checks Following Driver Arrest
Ridesharing company Lyft is beefing up its background checks after a... -
FeaturesStudy Warns of Cyber Hacking Risk to Firms Using SAP, Oracle Management Software
At least a dozen companies and government agencies have been targeted... -
FeaturesHonolulu Mayor Tells City to Prepare for Climate Change
Honolulu Mayor Kirk Caldwell has directed city departments and... -
FeaturesStudy Examines California Workers’ Comp Prescription Drug Outcomes Under New Formulary
A new analysis offers a preliminary look at Utilization Review and... -
FeaturesMetromile Secures $90M in Financing Led by Tokio Marine, Others
San Francisco, Calif.-based startup Metromile Inc. announced $90... -
Features$10M Award to Man Hit by Garbage Truck Reinstated by Oregon Court
The Oregon Court of Appeals has ruled that a trial judge shouldn't... -
FeaturesLyft Faces Patent Suit by Professor Over Ridesharing Model
A retired Georgia Institute of Technology engineering professor... -
FeaturesHawaii Jury Sides with Couple in Disability Discrimination Suit
A jury in Hawaii has sided with a Maui couple in a $1.9 million... -
People & PlacesPeople
Paragon Insurance Holdings LLC is expanding in San Diego, Calif.,...
National Coverage
Editor's NoteCongratulations Top Agencies
This year marks the 14th annual publication of Insurance Journal's... -
Closing QuoteOne Year Ago: Reflections on the 2017 Hurricane Season
It's hard to believe but August brings us to the one-year anniversary... -
Idea ExchangeQ&A
Q: I'm the new vice president of talent acquisition for a large... -
Idea ExchangeThe Declining Value of Insurance
Value is a relative term often specific to a given asset. For... -
Idea Exchange‘A Pain Free Process’: Proactive Agency Recruiting
1 Make Decisions Driven by Data To know where you're going, you have... -
FeaturesThe Condo Coverage Puzzle
Have you ever watched someone try to finish a jigsaw puzzle with... -
FeaturesA Whole New Ballgame: Managing Risk for World Champion Houston Astros
Monica Rusch's work was easier when the Houston Astros were losers.... -
FeaturesFlood Model Changes Help Hiscox Re & ILS Enter U.S. Flood Market
Less than 12 percent of U.S. homeowners have a flood insurance... -
FeaturesWeather Ranks Top in Causes of Home Damage: Travelers
Wind is the most common claim while fire is the most expensive claim... -
FeaturesCybersecurity Tops D&O Liability Risks: Willis Towers Watson
Cybersecurity is the top directors and officers (D&O) liability... -
Campus Guns "College campuses as gun-free zones present an... -
New MarketsNew Markets
Aviation and Aircraft Liability and Hull Physical Damage Market... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
BNC Insurance Agency, Murray, Schoen & Homer BNC Insurance Agency...