April 15, 2019
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
The Young Agents Issue - with Survey Results; Markets: Directors & Officers Liability
In this Issue
FeaturesAmericans Still Don’t Trust Autonomous Vehicles, Reuters Poll Shows
Half of U.S. adults think automated vehicles are more dangerous than... -
FeaturesNationwide Expands Small Business Insurance Direct Platform
Nationwide said it has expanded 24-hour access to more types of small... -
FeaturesSynergy Professional Associates Expands Lawyers PL Program to 3 New States
Synergy Professional Associates, in partnership with Tokio Marine HCC... -
FeaturesAAIS Expands Cannabis Businessowners Insurance Policy to Colorado
The American Association of Insurance Services has expanded its... -
FeaturesCal/OSHA Cites Contractor After Workers Hospitalized for Valley Fever
Cal/OSHA has issued serious health and safety citations to... -
FeaturesFEMA Accused of Wrongly Releasing Data of California Wildfire Victims
The Federal Emergency Management Agency wrongly released to a... -
FeaturesOregon Confirms Data of 1.6M Residents Exposed in Breach
The Oregon Department of Human Services says that a data breach may...
National Coverage
Editor's NoteWhat Young Agents Think
This issue of Insurance Journal features exclusive results from the... -
Cover StoriesYoung Agents Survey: What Young Agents Want
Young agents don't always feel supported by their elder peers. They... -
FeaturesP/C Direct Premium Written Up 4% in 2018
Direct premium written (DPW) for property/casualty insurance... -
FeaturesCloser Look: Tanner Eldredge
A broker for The Buckner Co. in Salt Lake City, Utah, has been in the... -
FeaturesCloser Look Danielle Moscinski
Florida's Moscinski Values Getting Clients to Value Coverage Over... -
FeaturesCloser Look Patrick Stephens
If Florida's Stephens Were Not a Broker, He'd Find Another Job in... -
FeaturesStudents from Eight Colleges Participate in Virtual Agency Competition
College students from eight universities recently formed teams and... -
FeaturesCloser Look: Tim Davis
Missouri's Davis Learns Alligator Lesson, Laments Agency Tech... -
Claims JournalInsurers Are Curious, Cautious When It Comes to Chatbots for Claims
The insurance industry is slowly recognizing the potential of... -
Idea ExchangeThe 8 Deadly Mistakes Killing Growth in Your Agency
The difference between where your agency is today and where it'll be... -
FeaturesCloser Look: Nicholas Lewis
Pennsylvania's Lewis Pursues Internship to Ownership Dream After... -
FeaturesCloser Look: Cassie Scism
International Travel, Developing Strategies Among Her Favorite Things... -
FeaturesCloser Look: Heather Rogers
Virginia's Rogers Wants Community to Know Her Name for Helping... -
FeaturesCloser Look: Tim Dunleavy
Internship Changed ABD's Dunleavy's Mind; Now He Changes Minds of... -
FeaturesNew Atlanta-Based Multicultural Women’s Network to Tackle Industry Leadership Gap
After 25 years in the insurance business both as an agent and... -
FeaturesCommercial Auto Forecast Improves, But Not Much: A.M. Best
A.M. Best maintains its negative outlook for the U.S. commercial auto... -
FeaturesRenewable Energy Industry Sees Uptick in Claims
The frequency and severity of insurance claims in the U.S. renewable... -
Idea ExchangeEmbracing the Multi-Generational Workforce
As Generation Z enters the workforce, five generations are working... -
FeaturesWhat Companies May Not Know About an Exclusion
Hiding in Their D&O Policies Many private companies believe that... -
FeaturesWhy the Industry Must Embrace Change
Change is a great way to build, personally and professionally. If we... -
FeaturesFeds Issue Proposal to Ease Franchisor Liability
By Daniel Wiessner The U.S. Department of Labor issued a proposal... -
Idea ExchangeGood Training: Why Agencies Should Invest in People
Employees should have continual training. They should be trained in... -
FeaturesHigginbotham University Strives to Be ‘Best in Texas and Beyond’
Mike Bateman, managing director, Sales, for Dallas-based Higginbotham... -
People & PlacesPeople
National American International Group has named Carla Ferrara as head... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
National NSM, Embrace Pet Insurance Program specialist NSM Insurance... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Diplomatic Entities Market Detail: NSM Insurance Group's... -
Disaster Insurance "Allowing the state to invest in an insurance...