April 18, 2022
Insurance Journal West Magazine
Insurance Journal West Magazine
The Young Agents Issue w/ Survey Results; Markets: Directors & Officers Liability
In this Issue
FeaturesLawsuit Alleges Power Line Sparked Colorado Wildfire
The first lawsuit filed in connection with a wildfire that destroyed... -
FeaturesCalifornia Court Rules Hospitals Can Be Responsible for Abuse by Employees
A state appeals court ruled that a Southern California hospital can... -
FeaturesCalifornia Contractor Arraigned for Workers’ Comp Fraud
Adan Deniz, 43, a contractor from Santa Clarita, California, was... -
FeaturesColorado City Allows Fire Victims to Rebuild Under Older Codes
The Louisville City Council in suburban Denver voted in favor of...
National Coverage
Editor's NoteWhat Young Agents Think
This issue of Insurance Journal features exclusive results from the... -
FeaturesPFAS, Microplastics, Baby Food: Emerging Casualty Risks Keep Coming
There is no longer a need to ponder the "next asbestos" because the... -
FeaturesFloods Drive Economic Losses in 2021, but Only 25% of Risks Are Insured: Swiss Re
More than 50 severe flood events around the world caused combined... -
FeaturesSupreme Court Removes an Obstacle to Malicious Prosecution Lawsuits
The U.S. Supreme Court on April 4 eliminated one of the hurdles... -
FeaturesChubb’s Greenberg on War, Ex-CAT Reporting and Insurance Profits
Chubb's 2021 annual report, published online in April 2022, contains... -
FeaturesSecondary Perils Responsible for Growing Share of Disaster Claims: RMS
Not only did natural catastrophes in 2021 break insurance claims... -
FeaturesD&O Loss Ratios Unchanged by Rate Hikes; Supply Disruption to Fuel Suits
Directors and officers liability insurance premium rate hikes have... -
FeaturesClimate Change Could Cost U.S. Budget $2 Trillion a Year by End Century
Flood, fire, and drought fueled by climate change could take a... -
FeaturesAccounts Deceivable: Email Scam Costliest Type of Cybercrime
It's a crime that siphons untold billions from the economy -- but... -
FeaturesRates Up Again in Q1 as Signs May Point to ‘Stronger Increases’: MarketScout
During the first quarter 2022 buyers of commercial insurance saw... -
FeaturesYoung Agents Remain Optimistic About Career Choice But Concerned About Economy
Editor's Note: To view the complete results of the 2022 Young Agents... -
FeaturesProducer and Carrier Contracts: An Agent’s Lifeblood, But Will Your Contracts Save You?
The world is a different place today. In days gone by, agents focused... -
FeaturesTurning the Great Retirement on Its Head: Look to Hire the Retired
One of the biggest challenges for independent agency owners today is... -
FeaturesRedefining Leadership Development
The role of a great leader continues to evolve as new business... -
FeaturesBusiness Planning Made Easy
If agency owners haven't created the annual business plan, it is not... -
FeaturesWhy Topa Made the Leap to Permanent Remote Work
Like most insurance businesses, Topa Insurance Co. (TIC) shifted to a... -
New MarketsMy New Markets
Franchised Truck Dealerships Market Detail: Williams & Stazzone... -
People & PlacesPeople & Places
National Lockton appointed Michelle Faylo as its U.S. Cyber &... -
Business MovesBusiness Moves
National Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway... -
Girl Scouts v. Boy Scouts "This case boils down to a single question:...