The California Privacy Protection Agency finalized its first substantive rulemaking package to further implement the California Consumer Privacy Act, which was approved by the California Office of Administrative Law.
The approved regulations, which are effective immediately, update existing CCPA regulations to be in line with amendments adopted pursuant to Proposition 24, the California Privacy Rights Act. The new regulations also operationalize new rights and concepts introduced by the CPRA, and consolidate requirements in the law to make the regulations easy to follow.
The agency filed the final rulemaking package with OAL on Feb. 14, initiating a 30-business day review period. This followed the CPPA board’s vote on Feb. 3 to adopt the agency’s rulemaking package. The regulations have not changed substantively since the board voted on modifications made at its Oct. 29 meeting.
The formal rulemaking process began on July 8, 2022, with the publication of the agency’s notice of proposed rulemaking action.
Topics California Legislation
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